Devanar el tiempo expresado en hilos de belleza,
enrollarlo en torno al alma, huso singular de lo humano,
y sentir, al hacerlo, cómo el tiempo se disuelve,
convertida su inexorable naturaleza en múltiple expresión de lo bello.
Ardua tarea que exige una entrega absoluta,
una dedicación constante, a la búsqueda, hallazgo y vivencia
de las innumerables expresiones de la belleza
distribuidas en tantos ámbitos de la realidad pasada y presente.
Medido así, en belleza hallada y sentida,
el tiempo pierde su sentido de fatalidad
para adquirir el enriquecedor sentido de posibilidad.
Poco importa que el cuerpo, sometido al imperio de la duración,
siga sufriendo los rigores de su inevitable condición caduca;
el entendimiento, y con él la sensación y la emoción,
se verán renovados de continuo, permanentemente,
ajenos a toda decrepitud y envejecimiento.
Y ello es así porque en la naturaleza de lo bello,
eco de lo divino, late el corazón de la eternidad.
Últimos pensamientos. Héctor Amado
Últimos pensamientos. Héctor Amado
Torii Kiyonaga o la delicadeza
.....Puede ser que no tuviera el talento de Utamaro, su finura o su vitalismo, pero Kiyonaga hizo gala de una mayor delicadeza. Su forma de representar las bijins enmienda y supera la ingenuidad casi infantil de Harunobu, por un lado, y se acerca a la distintiva elegancia de Utamaro, por otro (quien, a la postre, provocaría en Kiyonaga una crisis de estilo que acabaría siendo fatal para su progresión como artista). Fue, sobre todo, en la década de 1870-1880 cuando alcanzó la cima de su madurez y de ese su estilo delicado y amable. A partir de esta década, con un Utamaro ya pletórico, Kiyonaga, reconociendo el mayor talento de aquél y su propia incapacidad para sobrepujarlo, perdió fuerza, sutileza, delicadeza, entrando en una fase casi de infantilismo que lo acercaron más aún a aquel Harunobu del que al principio de su carrera intentó alejarse.
.....Esta doble expresión de su trabajo, esta dicotomía de su estilo es reconocible sólo con un vistazo superficial. Parece como si hubiera allí, en la manifestación de dos épocas del mismo artista, dos artistas diferentes. Cuesta relacionar algunas obras de su época tardía al Kiyonaga modelo de delicadeza formal y elegancia de composición de la década prodigiosa. Esto se hace más patente cuando se comparan las series de oban sobre las bijins de los barrios de placer, o las que representan diseños de moda, con esos otros alegóricos y costumbristas, más propios de un artista más limitado. Si en el mundo del arte pudiera hablarse de doble personalidad, éste sería un ejemplo ilustrativo.
.....De todas formas, sea el Kiyonaga cimero de delicadeza incomparable, sea el ingenuo y cándido de su decadencia, en todos los casos, sus bijins están dotadas de un idealismo onírico y de una armoniosa apariencia. Los rasgos de los rostros de sus hermosas mujeres son más amables y menos característicos que los de Kuniyoshi, Eishi o, sobre todo, Utamaro; también son más idealizantes, expresan más serenidad.
Ukiyo-e (V)
entrega de esta serie informativa en la que se viene realizando
una aproximación a la terminología utilizada en el ukiyo-e.
Viene encuadrada en un fondo crema para mejor distinguir esta
sección de las otras que ocasionalmente incluyan las diferentes
son los epígrafes que especificarán los diversos aspectos y
términos de interés relacionados con la realización de esta
singular xilografía japonesa. Aparecerán distinguidos en azul el
(o los) epígrafe (s) correspondiente al post en cuestión.
/ Poesía / Religión
/ Escritura
/ Lugares / Genéricos / Períodos
Históricos del Japón
referentes a la Escritura
“caracteres chinos” (de Han por China). Son los originales
caracteres empleados en la escritura japonesa, derivan del chino
original y son muy semejantes, sino iguales, a éstos.
radicales son trazos o pinceladas compuestas que aparecen en
numerosos caracteres; un determinado carácter kanji suele
estar compuesto por una base radical, y de adicionales trazos o
radicales. Los diccionarios kanji están indexados por la
base radical.
determinado carácter kanji habitualmente puede ser leído
de varias maneras (de ser pronunciado, y posiblemente también de
ser entendido). Un típico carácter kanji puede ser leído
de múltiples formas, en parte debido a su uso original chino
antes de ser adaptado a la escritura japonesa. Las lecturas suelen
dividirse en ondoku y kundoku, pudiendo haber más
de una forma en cada una de ellas. Así determinar cómo un
particular grupo de kanji debe pronunciarse puede resultar
decididamente complicado.
“lectura en voz alta” (abreviadamente on). Es una
lectura en la que prevalece la interpretación japonesa del
original sonido chino del carácter.
“lectura a la japonesa” (abreviadamente kun). Es una
lectura en la que es la palabra japonesa la que se atiene al
original significado del carácter en chino.
Es una
especial y estilizada forma de los caracteres kanji; usada
principalmente en los sellos.
“escritura correcta”; es la forma estándar de los caracteres
kanji; es también la forma empleada en los materiales
“escritura corrida”; es una forma ligeramente libre de
escribir los caracteres kanji. Se suele hallar en el
material manuscrito. En ella los trazos individuales pueden estar
conectados (evitando levantar el pincel del papel al escribir),
usándose formas simplificadas de los radicales
“escritura en grama”; es una extremadamente estilizada y
fluida forma de escribir los caracteres kanji, encontrada
así mismo en los materiales manuscritos. Es casi una forma
abreviada de escribir (como en taquigrafía), y a menudo es
imposible relacionar los caracteres sosho con los
caracteres kanji de los que proceden.
Son los
caracteres del silabario japonés (pares compuestos de
vocal-consonante) usados para escribir en japonés; derivan de los
caracteres sosho de seleccionados caracteres kanji,
y son usados para escribir rápidamente.
Son los
caracteres de un secundario silabario japonés (formados también
por pares de consonante-vocal), utilizados en una gran variedad de
usos secundarios (como escribir palabras extranjeras). Derivado de
seleccionados kanji por un proceso de simplificación
extensiva, mucho más compacta.
Es un
seleccionado kanji históricamente utilizado para la
representación fonética del japonés, cuando el japonés fue
transcrito por primera vez a escritura. Los sonidos particulares
pueden ser representados por uno de los varios kanji, la
elección de cuál a menudo se hacía por razones meramente
estilísticas o simbólicas.
“variante kana”; es un kana distinto al usado en
hiragana y katakana. Éstos fueron estandarizados
sólo a partir de 1900; antes de ello un gran número de kana,
formas simplificadas derivadas de los kanji man'yogana,
se extinguieron. Aquellos no seleccionados para su uso en los
estándares hiragana y katakana se denominan hoy día
hentaigana. Incluyen tanto kana que derivan de
caracteres man'yogana alternativos para sonidos
particulares, como de otros que simplemente están escritos en
diferentes estilos de escritura cursiva.
caracteres hiragana escritos próximos al carácter kanjii
para indicar la correcta lectura de ese carácter.
“carácter Romance”; es el nombre que recibe un número de
sistemas utilizados para escribir el japonés usando el alfabeto
latino, generalmente utilizado en Occidente. Actualmente, la
elección generalmente aceptada en todo el mundo es el Sistema
Hepburn Revisado, el cual permite a los anglófonos una cercanía
aproximada a la pronunciación de una palabra japonesa.
“sello manuscrito”; es un pseudo carácter usado por un
artista o artesano como firma; a menudo sumamente cursivo, en
contrapartida a los caracteres normales japoneses, los cuales
de un número
determinado de trazos o pinceladas.
referentes a Lugares
Es el viejo
nombre (literalmente “puerta de la bahía” o “entrada de la
bahía”) de Tokyo. Originariamente una pequeña y oscura
población pesquera, puesta en la senda de la fama cuando Tokugawa
Ieyasu, fundador del Shogunato Tokugawa, la eligió como su
cuartel general en 1590, tras la toma de control de la región de
Kanto. Su rápido crecimiento se debió a la política de Ieyasu
en cuanto a que todos sus vasallos daimyo debían pasar la
mitad de su tiempo en Edo, lejos de sus feudos. En 1721 ya contaba
con 1.000.000 de habitantes, llegando a ser la ciudad más
populosa del mundo en aquel tiempo. Fue también la incubadora de
una vibrante cultura urbana: la de los chonin (ver más
Es la región
que abarcaba Kyoto y la cercana Osaka. Este área fue el corazón
del Japón, tanto económica como culturalmente, hasta que los
Shogun Tokugawa eligieron Tokyo como sede de su gobierno. Muchos
de los componentes culturales de los chonin, como el teatro
kabuki y el ukiyo-e en su momento originados en el
área de Kamigata, se transmitieron posteriormente a Edo.
El área más
grande en torno a Kamigata; incluía la ciudad portuaria de Kobe
(aún importante puerto) y la península de Kii, que contiene la
antigua capital de Nara, y el más importante santuario Shinto de
Japón: el Gran Santuario de Ise.
Es la más
grande planicie de Japón, y contiene ocho provincias alrededor de
la ciudad de Edo. Es un área de ricas tierras bajas de origen
aluvial formad por el desagüe de varios ríos, y fue el granero
de arroz del Japón durante el periodo Edo. El Kanto estaba, en
cierto modo, aislada del centro principal de Japón, la región de
Kansai, pero rápidamente se convirtió, a su vez, en centro;
estatus que conserva hoy en día.
“ciudad capital”, fue durante casi once centurias la capital
imperial de Japón, y donde el emperador residía. Se fundó en
794, cuando la capital se trasladó desde su antigua localización
en Nara, vía Nagaoka, para escapar de las sectas militantes
budistas. Originalmente denominada Heian-kyo (literalmente
“capital de la paz y la tranquilidad”), de donde deriva el
nombre del periodo Heian; sería renombrada Kyoto en el
siglo XI. Respetada en gran medida durante la 2ª Guerra Mundial,
es hoy en día Patrimonio Cultural de la Humanidad.
Osaka fue la
principal ciudad comercial del Japón hasta que los Tokugawa
eligieron Edo como sede del gobierno. Aún hoy es la segunda
ciudad más populosa e importante de Japón, poseyendo por en
consecuencia un gran puerto. Durante el Período Momoyama,
Toyotomo Hideyoshi (muerto en 1598), el unificador del Japón,
hizo de ella su capital.
El Tokaido
(literalmente “ruta marítima Oriental”) fue la ruta principal
del Japón feudal. Transcurría a lo largo de quinientos
kilómetros, entre la antigua capital imperial, Kyoto (donde
residía el emperador), y la capital efectiva, Edo, donde residía
a su vez el Shogun. Transcurría más o menos a lo largo de la
costa entre Edo y Nagoya, para cruzar después las montañas y
finalizar en los alrededores del extremo sur del lago Biwa, en
Constaba de
cincuenta y tres estaciones (sin contar las dos termini) de
postas, provistas de alojamientos, comida, etc., toda una serie de
establecimientos para viajeros ordinarios dispuestos entre los dos
puntos extremos; muchos de los viajeros realizaban la ruta a pie,
usualmente recorriendo varias estaciones al día.
(literalmente “Capital Oriental”) es el nuevo nombre dado a
Edo tras la Restauración Meiji, cuando ésta sacó del poder al
Shogunato Tokugawa (de quienes fue capital) y el emperador se
instaló en Tokyo desde su previa residencia en Kyoto, tomando
como residencia el Castillo de Edo, la sede del poder del viejo
shogunato. El nombre cambió en 1868 para subrayar y conmemorar el
traslado desde Kyoto.
Es un viejo
nombre alternativo (literalmente “metrópolis Oriental) para
Imágenes de mujeres hermosas
Torii Kiyonaga
Torii Kiyonaga - A Boating Party under Azuma Bridge_MET
Torii Kiyonaga - A Boating Party under Azuma Bridge_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - A Modern Version of the Story of Ushiwakamaru Serenading Jôruri-hime_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - A Modern Version of the Story of Ushiwakamaru Serenading Jôruri-hime_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - A Modern Version of the Story of Ushiwakamaru Serenading Jôruri-hime_MFA (2)
Torii Kiyonaga - A Party in an Open Room Overlooking a Garden, from the series
Contest of Contemporary Beauties of the Pleasure Quarters (Tôsei yûri bijin awase)_MFA
Contest of Contemporary Beauties of the Pleasure Quarters (Tôsei yûri bijin awase)_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - A Party Viewing the Moon across the Sumida River_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - A Party Viewing the Moon across the Sumida River_MFA (2)
Torii Kiyonaga - A Pilgrimage to Enoshima_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - A Pilgrimage to Enoshima_MFA (2)
Torii Kiyonaga - A Pilgrimage to Enoshima_MFA (3)
Torii Kiyonaga - A Sudden Shower at the Mimeguri Inari Shrine_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - A Sudden Shower at the Mimeguri Inari Shrine_MFA (2)
Torii Kiyonaga - Admiring the wisteria at the Kameido Shrine_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - An Excursion to Mimeguri_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - An outing at Hagidera, from the series A Brocade of Eastern Manners
(Fuzoku Azuma no nishiki)_AIC
(Fuzoku Azuma no nishiki)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - An Outing in Spring, from the series A Brocade of Eastern Manners
(Fuzoku azuma no nishiki)_AIC
(Fuzoku azuma no nishiki)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - An Outing in Spring, from the series A Brocade of Eastern Manners
(Fuzoku azuma no nishiki)(right panel)_MFA
(Fuzoku azuma no nishiki)(right panel)_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Bathhouse women diptych_LoC
Torii Kiyonaga - Bathhouse women diptych_LoC (2)
Torii Kiyonaga - Bathhouse women diptych_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - By an Iris Pond (diptych)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - By an Iris Pond_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Cooling Off in the Evening at Shijogawara_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Cooling Off in the Evening at Shijogawara (central panel)_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Cooling Off in the Evening at Shijogawara (right panel)_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Courtesans of Yoshiwara and their attendants viewing
the peonies on Nakanocho_MFA
the peonies on Nakanocho_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Courtesans of Yoshiwara and their attendants viewing
the peonies on Nakanocho_AIC
the peonies on Nakanocho_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Courtesans of Yoshiwara and their attendants viewing
the peonies on Nakanocho_AOJ
Torii Kiyonaga - Courtesans of Yoshiwara and their attendants viewing
the peonies on Nakanocho_AOJ
Torii Kiyonaga - Courtesans of Yoshiwara and their attendants viewing
the peonies on Nakanocho_MET
Torii Kiyonaga - Courtesans and Their Child Attendants
under Blossoming Cherry Trees_AIC
under Blossoming Cherry Trees_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Courtesans and Their Child Attendants
under Blossoming Cherry Trees_MFA
under Blossoming Cherry Trees_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Courtesans and Their Child Attendants
under Blossoming Cherry Trees (left and central panels)_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Young Ladies Viewing Cherry–blossoms at Asukayama_BM
Torii Kiyonaga - Young Ladies Viewing Cherry–blossoms at Asukayama (right panel)_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Courtesans and Their Child Attendants
under Blossoming Cherry Trees (left and central panels)_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Courtesans and Their Child Attendants
under Blossoming Cherry Trees (central and right panles)_AIC
under Blossoming Cherry Trees (central and right panles)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Young Ladies Viewing Cherry–blossoms at Asukayama_MET.
Torii Kiyonaga - Young Ladies Viewing Cherry–blossoms at Asukayama_BM
Torii Kiyonaga - Young Ladies Viewing Cherry–blossoms at Asukayama (right panel)_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Enjoying the Cool Air at Nakasu (Sakô suzumi), from the series
A Contest of Fashionable Beauties of the Pleasure Quarters (Tôsei yûri bijin awase)_MFA
A Contest of Fashionable Beauties of the Pleasure Quarters (Tôsei yûri bijin awase)_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Enjoying the Cool Air at Nakasu (Sakô suzumi), from the series
A Contest of Fashionable Beauties of the Pleasure Quarters (Tôsei yûri bijin awase)_ARTELINO
A Contest of Fashionable Beauties of the Pleasure Quarters (Tôsei yûri bijin awase)_ARTELINO
Torii Kiyonaga - Excursion to Mimeguri Shrine at Mukôjima_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Matsuchi Hill after Snowfall_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Matsuchi Hill after Snowfall (left panel)_LoC
Torii Kiyonaga - Matsuchi Hill after Snowfall (left panel)_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Matsuchiyama after a Snowfall_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Matsuchiyama after a Snowfall (left panel)_ARTELINO
Torii Kiyonaga - Nakasu (Sakô), from the series Contest of Contemporary Beauties
of the Pleasure Quarters (Tôsei yûri bijin awase)_MFA
of the Pleasure Quarters (Tôsei yûri bijin awase)_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Nakasu (Sakô), from the series Contest of Contemporary Beauties
of the Pleasure Quarters (Tôsei yûri bijin awase)(left panel)_BM
of the Pleasure Quarters (Tôsei yûri bijin awase)(left panel)_BM
Torii Kiyonaga - Nakasu (Sakô), from the series Contest of Contemporary Beauties
of the Pleasure Quarters (Tôsei yûri bijin awase)(right panel)_MFA
of the Pleasure Quarters (Tôsei yûri bijin awase)(right panel)_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Opening the Storehouse (Kurabiraki), from the illustrated book
Colors of the Triple Dawn (Saishiki mitsu no asa)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Playing Games in the Garden of the Kankanrô in the Yoshiwara_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Playing Games in the Garden of the Kankanrô in the Yoshiwara_MFA (2)
Torii Kiyonaga - Playing Games in the Garden of the Kankanrô in the Yoshiwara_MFA (3)
Torii Kiyonaga - Summer Twilight on the Banks of the Sumida River_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - The Chôjiya at Edo-machi Nichôme in the New Yoshiwara
(Shin Yoshiwara Edo-machi nichôme Chôjiya no zu)_MFA
(Shin Yoshiwara Edo-machi nichôme Chôjiya no zu)_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - The Chôjiya at Edo-machi Nichôme in the New Yoshiwara
(Shin Yoshiwara Edo-machi nichôme Chôjiya no zu)_MFA (2)
(Shin Yoshiwara Edo-machi nichôme Chôjiya no zu)_MFA (2)
Torii Kiyonaga - The Echigoya on New Year's Day_HARSOB
Torii Kiyonaga - The Echigoya on New Year's Day_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - The First Bath of the New Year (Yudono hajime), from the illustrated book
Colors of the Triple Dawn (Saishiki mitsu no asa)_AIC
Colors of the Triple Dawn (Saishiki mitsu no asa)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - The First Calligraphy of the New Year (Kissho hajime), from the illustrated book
Colors of the Triple Dawn (Saishiki mitsu no asa)_AIC
Colors of the Triple Dawn (Saishiki mitsu no asa)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - The First Garments of the New Year (Kiso hajime), from the illustrated book
Colors of the Triple Dawn (Saishiki mitsu no asa)_AIC
Colors of the Triple Dawn (Saishiki mitsu no asa)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - The First Horseback Ride of the New Year (Uma norizome), from the illustrated book Colors of the Triple Dawn (Saishiki mitsu no asa)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - The Seventh Month, from the series Twelve Months in the South
(Minami jûni kô)_MFA
(Minami jûni kô)_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - The Seventh Month, from the series Twelve Months in the South
(Minami jûni kô)(right panel)_MFA
(Minami jûni kô)(right panel)_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - The Sixth Month, from the series Twelve Months in the South
(Minami juni ko)_AIC
(Minami juni ko)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - The Third Month (Sangatsu), from the series
Twelve Months in the South (Minami juni ko)_AIC
Twelve Months in the South (Minami juni ko)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Three Actors at a Boating Party on the Sumida River_MET
Torii Kiyonaga - Three Actors at a Boating Party on the Sumida River_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Washday (Sentaku to harimono)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Washday (Sentaku to harimono)_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Women Crossing Nihonbashi Bridge_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Women Crossing Nihonbashi Bridge_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Women Disembarking from a Pleasure Boat_MET
Torii Kiyonaga - Women Disembarking from a Pleasure Boat_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Women under Cherry Blossoms, from the series Contest
of Contemporary Beauties of the Pleasure Quarters (Tôsei yûri bijin awase)_MFA
of Contemporary Beauties of the Pleasure Quarters (Tôsei yûri bijin awase)_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Women under Maple Leaves, from the series Contest
of Contemporary Beauties of the Pleasure Quarters (Tôsei yûri bijin awase)_AIC
of Contemporary Beauties of the Pleasure Quarters (Tôsei yûri bijin awase)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - The Courtesan Hanaôgi Arriving at a Teahouse_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - A Girl and Four Servants, from the series
A Brocade of Eastern Manners (Fuzoku Azuma no nishiki)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - A Lady with Three Servants, from the series
A Brocade of Eastern Manners (Fuzoku Azuma no nishiki)_AIC
A Brocade of Eastern Manners (Fuzoku Azuma no nishiki)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - A Lady with Three Servants, from the series
A Brocade of Eastern Manners (Fuzoku Azuma no nishiki)_MET
Torii Kiyonaga - A Lady with Three Servants, from the series
A Brocade of Eastern Manners (Fuzoku Azuma no nishiki)_MFA (2)
Torii Kiyonaga - A Lady with Three Servants, from the series
A Brocade of Eastern Manners (Fuzoku Azuma no nishiki)_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - A Lady with Three Servants, from the series
A Brocade of Eastern Manners (Fuzoku Azuma no nishiki)_MET
Torii Kiyonaga - A Lady with Three Servants, from the series
A Brocade of Eastern Manners (Fuzoku Azuma no nishiki)_MFA (2)
Torii Kiyonaga - A Lady with Three Servants, from the series
A Brocade of Eastern Manners (Fuzoku Azuma no nishiki)_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - A Young Nobleman, His Mother, and Three Servents, from the series
A Brocade of Eastern Manners (Fuzoku Azuma no nishiki)_AIC
A Brocade of Eastern Manners (Fuzoku Azuma no nishiki)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Geisha in Tachibana-chô (Kitchûgi), from the series
Contest of Contemporary Beauties of the Pleasure Quarters (Tôsei yûri bijin awase)_BM
Torii Kiyonaga - Geisha in Tachibana-chô (Kitchûgi), from the series
Contest of Contemporary Beauties of the Pleasure Quarters (Tôsei yûri bijin awase)_MET
Torii Kiyonaga - Geisha in Tachibana-chô (Kitchûgi), from the series
Contest of Contemporary Beauties of the Pleasure Quarters (Tôsei yûri bijin awase)_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Going to a Picnic, from the series A Brocade of Eastern Manners
(Fuzoku Azuma no nishiki)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Going to a Picnic, from the series A Brocade of Eastern Manners
(Fuzoku Azuma no nishiki)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Lady with Two Female Attendants, from the series
Current Manners in Eastern Brocade (Fûzoku Azuma no nishiki)_MFA (2)
Torii Kiyonaga - Lady with Two Female Attendants, from the series
Current Manners in Eastern Brocade (Fûzoku Azuma no nishiki)_MFA (2)
Torii Kiyonaga - Lady with Two Female Attendants, from the series
Current Manners in Eastern Brocade (Fûzoku Azuma no nishiki)_WBP
Torii Kiyonaga - Under Umbrellas in a Shower, from the series
A Brocade of Eastern Manners (Fuzoku Azuma no nishiki)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Three Women in the Rain, from the series
Current Manners in Eastern Brocade (Fûzoku Azuma no nishiki)_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Three Women in the Rain, from the series
Current Manners in Eastern Brocade (Fûzoku Azuma no nishiki)_WBP
Current Manners in Eastern Brocade (Fûzoku Azuma no nishiki)_WBP
Torii Kiyonaga - Two Geisha with a Parasol and a Male Servant, from the series
Mirror of Women's Customs (Onna fûzoku masu kagami)_MFA
Mirror of Women's Customs (Onna fûzoku masu kagami)_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - The Nakamise Shopping Street, from the series
Eight Precincts of the Kinryuzan Temple in Asakusa (Asakusa Kinryuzan hakkei))_AIC
Eight Precincts of the Kinryuzan Temple in Asakusa (Asakusa Kinryuzan hakkei))_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - The Brine Maidens of Suma, from the series
A Brocade of Eastern Manners (Fuzoku Azuma no nishiki)_AIC
A Brocade of Eastern Manners (Fuzoku Azuma no nishiki)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - The Brine Maidens of Suma, from the series
A Brocade of Eastern Manners (Fuzoku Azuma no nishiki)_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - A Noble Young Lady, from the series
A Mirror of Feminine Manners (Onna fuzoku masu kagami)_AIC
A Mirror of Feminine Manners (Onna fuzoku masu kagami)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Court Lady under a Bamboo Blind, from the series
Mirror of Women's Customs (Onna fûzoku masu kagami)_MFA
Mirror of Women's Customs (Onna fûzoku masu kagami)_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Sei Shonagon and Her Companion,
from an untitled series of court ladies_AIC
from an untitled series of court ladies_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Lady Ise Watching Flying Geese,
from an untitled series of classical beauties_MFA
from an untitled series of classical beauties_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - The Third Princess (Nyosan no Miya) and Her Cat,
from an untitled series of classical beauties_MFA
from an untitled series of classical beauties_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - The Third Princess and Her Kitten,
from an untitled series of court ladies_AIC
from an untitled series of court ladies_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Ono no Komachi Standing beside a Stream,
from an untitled series of classical beauties_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Murasaki Shikibu_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Kamioki, from the series A Brocade of Eastern Manners
(Fuzoku Azuma no nishiki)_AIC
(Fuzoku Azuma no nishiki)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Three Women after a Bath, from the series A Brocade of Eastern Manners
(Fuzoku Azuma no nishiki)_AIC
(Fuzoku Azuma no nishiki)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Two Women and a Dozing Maid, from the series
Current Manners in Eastern Brocade (Fûzoku Azuma no nishiki)_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Buying Potted Plants, from the series A Brocade of Eastern Manners
(Fuzoku Azuma no nishiki)_AIC
. (Fuzoku Azuma no nishiki)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Two Women and a Maid, from the series
A Brocade of Eastern Manners_AIC
A Brocade of Eastern Manners_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - A Leading Courtesan (Seirôkun), from the series
Contest of Contemporary Beauties of the Pleasure Quarters (Tôsei yûri bijin awase)_MFA
Contest of Contemporary Beauties of the Pleasure Quarters (Tôsei yûri bijin awase)_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Courtesan and Kamuro at New Year, from the series
Twelve Scenes of Popular Customs (Fûzoku jûni tsui)_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Courtesan Mitsuura of the Nakaomiya (with Her Kamuro Haruno and Miyako
and Attendant)(Twelve Floral Types of the Four Seasons in the Brothel_MFA
Twelve Scenes of Popular Customs (Fûzoku jûni tsui)_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Courtesan Mitsuura of the Nakaomiya (with Her Kamuro Haruno and Miyako
and Attendant)(Twelve Floral Types of the Four Seasons in the Brothel_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - A Scene of the Southern Station (Minami eki no kei), from the series
Contest of Contemporary Beauties of the Pleasure Quarters (Tôsei yûri bijin awase)_MFA
Contest of Contemporary Beauties of the Pleasure Quarters (Tôsei yûri bijin awase)_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Azumaya of the Matsuganeya at Edo-machi Itchôme, from the series
Twelve Model Flowers of the Four Seasons in the Pleasure Quarters_MFA
Twelve Model Flowers of the Four Seasons in the Pleasure Quarters_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Enjoying the Cool Air at Nakasu (Sakô suzumi), from the series
A Contest of Fashionable Beauties of the Pleasure Quarters (Tôsei yûri bijin awase)_ARTELINO
Torii Kiyonaga - Entertainers of the Tachibana, from the series A Collection
of Contemporary Beauties of the Pleasure Quarters (Tosei yuri bijin awase)_AIC
of Contemporary Beauties of the Pleasure Quarters (Tosei yuri bijin awase)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Entertainers of the Tachibana, from the series A Collection
of Contemporary Beauties of the Pleasure Quarters (Tosei yuri bijin awase)_MET
of Contemporary Beauties of the Pleasure Quarters (Tosei yuri bijin awase)_MET
Torii Kiyonaga - Entertainers of the Tachibana, from the series A Collection
of Contemporary Beauties of the Pleasure Quarters (Tosei yuri bijin awase)_MFA
of Contemporary Beauties of the Pleasure Quarters (Tosei yuri bijin awase)_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Fishing, from the series A Set of Ten Beauties in Flowerlike Styles
(Enshoku hana fuzoku ju awase)_AIC
(Enshoku hana fuzoku ju awase)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Flowers of Doteshita (Dote no hana), from the series
Contest of Contemporary Beauties of the Pleasure Quarters (Tôsei yûri bijin awase)_MFA (2)
Contest of Contemporary Beauties of the Pleasure Quarters (Tôsei yûri bijin awase)_MFA (2)
Torii Kiyonaga - Flowers of Doteshita (Dote no hana), from the series
Contest of Contemporary Beauties of the Pleasure Quarters (Tôsei yûri bijin awase)_MFA
Contest of Contemporary Beauties of the Pleasure Quarters (Tôsei yûri bijin awase)_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Flowers of the Doteshita District (Dotebana), from the series
A Collection of Contemporary Beauties of the Pleasure Quarters_AIC
A Collection of Contemporary Beauties of the Pleasure Quarters_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Geisha of Tachibana-chô (Kitsugi), from the series
Contest of Contemporary Beauties of the Pleasure Quarters (Tôsei yûri bijin awase)_MFA (2)
Contest of Contemporary Beauties of the Pleasure Quarters (Tôsei yûri bijin awase)_MFA (2)
Torii Kiyonaga - Geisha of Tachibana-chô (Kitsugi), from the series
Contest of Contemporary Beauties of the Pleasure Quarters (Tôsei yûri bijin awase)_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Man under a Mosquito Net and Two Women, from the series
Contest of Contemporary Beauties of the Pleasure Quarters (Tôsei yûri bijin awase)_MFA
Contest of Contemporary Beauties of the Pleasure Quarters (Tôsei yûri bijin awase)_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Spring Outing, from the series A Collection
of Contemporary Beauties of the Pleasure Quarters (Tosei yuri bijin awase)_AIC
of Contemporary Beauties of the Pleasure Quarters (Tosei yuri bijin awase)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - The Charms of the Southeast (Tatsumi no en), from the series
Contest of Contemporary Beauties of the Pleasure Quarters (Tôsei yûri bijin awase)_MFA
Contest of Contemporary Beauties of the Pleasure Quarters (Tôsei yûri bijin awase)_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - The Southeast (Tatsumi), from the series Contest
of Contemporary Beauties of the Pleasure Quarters (Tôsei yûri bijin awase)_MFA (2)
Torii Kiyonaga - The Southeast (Tatsumi), from the series Contest
of Contemporary Beauties of the Pleasure Quarters (Tôsei yûri bijin awase)_MFA
of Contemporary Beauties of the Pleasure Quarters (Tôsei yûri bijin awase)_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - The Tachibana District, from the series Contest
of Contemporary Beauties of the Pleasure Quarters (Tôsei yûri bijin awase)_AIC
of Contemporary Beauties of the Pleasure Quarters (Tôsei yûri bijin awase)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - The Tachibana District, from the series Contest
of Contemporary Beauties of the Pleasure Quarters (Tôsei yûri bijin awase)_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Cooling off at Nakasu (Nakasu no suzumi), from the series
A Collection of Contemporary Beauties of the Pleasure Quarters (Tosei yuri bijin awase_AIC
A Collection of Contemporary Beauties of the Pleasure Quarters (Tosei yuri bijin awase_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Enjoying the Cool Air at Nakasu (Sakô suzumi), from the series
A Contest of Fashionable Beauties of the Pleasure Quarters_MET (2)
A Contest of Fashionable Beauties of the Pleasure Quarters_MET (2)
Torii Kiyonaga - Enjoying the Cool Air at Nakasu (Sakô suzumi), from the series
A Contest of Fashionable Beauties of the Pleasure Quarters_MET
Torii Kiyonaga - Enjoying the Cool Air at Nakasu (Sakô suzumi), from the series
A Contest of Fashionable Beauties of the Pleasure Quarters_MFA (2)
A Contest of Fashionable Beauties of the Pleasure Quarters_MFA (2)
Torii Kiyonaga - Enjoying the Cool Air at Nakasu (Sakô suzumi), from the series
A Contest of Fashionable Beauties of the Pleasure Quarters_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - The 13th Precept_ Women Who Enjoy the Sorrows of Others,
from the series A Treasury of Admonitions to Young Ladies _MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Chôzan of the Chôjiya, kamuro Shiori and Tsumagi, from the series
Models for Fashion_ New Year Designs as Fresh as Young Leaves_MET
Models for Fashion_ New Year Designs as Fresh as Young Leaves_MET
Torii Kiyonaga - Chôzan of the Chôjiya, kamuro Shiori and Tsumagi, from the series
Models for Fashion_ New Year Designs as Fresh as Young Leaves_MFA
Models for Fashion_ New Year Designs as Fresh as Young Leaves_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Maizumi of the Daimonjiya, kamuro Shigeki and Naname, from the series
Models for Fashion_ New Year Designs as Fresh as Young Leaves_LoC
Torii Kiyonaga - Maizumi of the Daimonjiya, kamuro Shigeki and Naname, from the series
Models for Fashion_ New Year Designs as Fresh as Young Leaves_MFA
Models for Fashion_ New Year Designs as Fresh as Young Leaves_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Nanakoshi of the Ôgiya, kamuro Takane and Iwane, from the series
Models for Fashion_ New Year Designs as Fresh as Young Leaves_MFA
Models for Fashion_ New Year Designs as Fresh as Young Leaves_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Segawa of the Matsubaya, kamuro Sasano and Takeno, from the series
Models for Fashion_ New Year Designs as Fresh as Young Leaves _MFA
Models for Fashion_ New Year Designs as Fresh as Young Leaves _MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - tagawa of the Yotsumeya, kamuro Utano and Utaki, from the series
Models for Fashion_ New Year Designs as Fresh as Young Leaves_MFA
Models for Fashion_ New Year Designs as Fresh as Young Leaves_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Takigawa of the Ôgiya, kamuro Onami and Menami, from the series
Models for Fashion_ New Year Designs as Fresh as Young Leaves_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Takigawa of the Ogiya, kamuro Onami and Menami, from the series
Models for Fashion_ New Year Designs as Fresh as Young Leaves_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Takigawa of the Ogiya, kamuro Onami and Menami, from the series
Models for Fashion_ New Year Designs as Fresh as Young Leaves_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - The Courtesan Hanaogi of the Ogiya with Her Attendants Yoshino
and Tatsuta, from the series Models for Fashion New Designs as Fresh as Young Leaves_AIC
and Tatsuta, from the series Models for Fashion New Designs as Fresh as Young Leaves_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Ôgino of the Ôgiya, kamuro Isami and Susami, from the series
Models for Fashion_ New Year Designs as Fresh as Young Leaves_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Beauty Segawa_ARTELINO
Torii Kiyonaga - Kyo-chu gi / Tosei yuri Bijin Awase_ARTELINO
Torii Kiyonaga - Kyo-chu gi / Tosei yuri Bijin Awase_BM
Torii Kiyonaga - Young Lady and Attendants on an Outing_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Young Lady and Attendants on an Outing_MFA (2)
Torii Kiyonaga - The Fourth Month, from the series
Twelve Months in the South (Minami juni ko)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Young Lady and Attendants on an Outing_MFA (2)
Torii Kiyonaga - The Fourth Month, from the series
Twelve Months in the South (Minami juni ko)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - At the Entrance of the Tsuruya, from the series
Contest of Alluring Beauties (Irokurabe enpu sugata)_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Actor Ichikawa Danjûrô V with a Courtesan and a Kamuro_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Actor Ichikawa Danjûrô V with a Courtesan and a Kamuro_MFA (2)
Torii Kiyonaga - Actor Ichikawa Monnosuke II with a Courtesan and a Kamuro_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Actor Onoe Matsusuke Playing the Shamisen,
with a Courtesan and a Kamuro_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Actor Sawamura Sôjûrô III and Courtesans_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Actor Sawamura Sôjûrô III and Courtesans_MFA (2)
Torii Kiyonaga - Actor Ichikawa Yaozo III with a Courtesan and a Geisha_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Actor Matsumoto Kôshirô IV with a Courtesan and a Kamuro_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Scene at a Dyer's Shop (Kôya no dan), from the series
The Tale of Shiraishi, a Latter-day Taiheiki (Go-Taiheiki Shiraishi banashi)_BM
Torii Kiyonaga - Scene at a Dyer's Shop (Kôya no dan), from the series
The Tale of Shiraishi, a Latter-day Taiheiki (Go-Taiheiki Shiraishi banashi)_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Actor Ichikawa Danjûrô V with a Courtesan and a Kamuro_MFA (2)
Torii Kiyonaga - Actor Ichikawa Monnosuke II with a Courtesan and a Kamuro_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Actor Onoe Matsusuke Playing the Shamisen,
with a Courtesan and a Kamuro_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Actor Sawamura Sôjûrô III and Courtesans_MET
.Torii Kiyonaga - Actor Sawamura Sôjûrô III and Courtesans_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Actor Sawamura Sôjûrô III and Courtesans_MFA (2)
Torii Kiyonaga - Actor Ichikawa Yaozo III with a Courtesan and a Geisha_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Actor Matsumoto Kôshirô IV with a Courtesan and a Kamuro_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Scene at a Dyer's Shop (Kôya no dan), from the series
The Tale of Shiraishi, a Latter-day Taiheiki (Go-Taiheiki Shiraishi banashi)_BM
Torii Kiyonaga - Scene at a Dyer's Shop (Kôya no dan), from the series
The Tale of Shiraishi, a Latter-day Taiheiki (Go-Taiheiki Shiraishi banashi)_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - The Ninth Month, from the series Twelve Months
in the South (Minami juni ko)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Three Ladies-in-waiting, from the series Mirror
of Women's Customs (Onna fûzoku masu kagami)_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Lady Walking with Two Maids, from the series Mirror
of Women's Customs (Onna fûzoku masu kagami)_MFA
in the South (Minami juni ko)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Three Ladies-in-waiting, from the series Mirror
of Women's Customs (Onna fûzoku masu kagami)_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Lady Walking with Two Maids, from the series Mirror
of Women's Customs (Onna fûzoku masu kagami)_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - A Woman and Two Maids, from the series
A Mirror of Feminine Manners (Onna fuzoku masu kagami)_AIC
A Mirror of Feminine Manners (Onna fuzoku masu kagami)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Courtesan Going to Bed, from the series Ten Types
of Beauties in Pictures (Jittai e-fuzoku)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Entertaining at a Party, from the series Musical Pastimes
(Ongyoku tegoto no asobi)_MET
(Ongyoku tegoto no asobi)_MET
Torii Kiyonaga - Entertaining at a Party, from the series Musical Pastimes
(Ongyoku tegoto no asobi)_MET_
(Ongyoku tegoto no asobi)_MET_
Torii Kiyonaga - The Actor Nakamura Riko with a courtesan,
from an untitled series of aiban prints depicting Actors in private life_AIC
from an untitled series of aiban prints depicting Actors in private life_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - The Seventh Month (Shichigatsu), from the series
Twelve Months in the South (Minami juni ko)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Lantern (Tôrô)_ Hanaôgi of the Ôgiya in Edo-machi, from the series
Ten Kinds of Incense in the Pleasure Quarters (Seirô jisshu kô)_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - A Party in the Shinagawa Pleasure Quarters_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - The Tenth Month (Jugatsu), from the series
Twelve Months in the South (Minami juni ko)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - A Sudden Shower at the Mimeguri Inari Shrine (left panel)_BM
Torii Kiyonaga - Picnic in a Daimyô's Garden_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Snowy Morning in the Pleasure Quarters (Seiro yuki no ashita)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Spring Outing to Mukojima_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - The Sixth Month (Kazemachizuki), from the series Fashionable
Monthly Visits to Sacred Places in the Four Seasons (Furyu shiki no tsuki mode)_AIC
Monthly Visits to Sacred Places in the Four Seasons (Furyu shiki no tsuki mode)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - The Third Month (Hanamizuki), from the series
Ten Scenes in the New Yoshiwara (Shin Yoshiwara jikkei)_LoC
Ten Scenes in the New Yoshiwara (Shin Yoshiwara jikkei)_LoC
Torii Kiyonaga - Two Women on a Balcony, from the series
Flowers of Nakasu (Nakasu no hana)_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Tsune no kokorozashi katamashiku onna no michi ni akiraka narazaru koto,
from the series A Treasury of Admonitions to Young Ladies_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Tsune no kokorozashi katamashiku onna no michi ni akiraka narazaru koto,
from the series A Treasury of Admonitions to Young Ladies_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - The Twelfth Month (Harumachizuki), from the series
Fashionable Monthly Visits to Sacred Places in the Four Seasons_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - The Eleventh Month (Juichigatsu), from the series
Twelve Months in the South (Minami juni ko)_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - The Eleventh Month (Juichigatsu), from the series
Twelve Months in the South (Minami juni ko)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - The Eleventh Month (Juichigatsu), from the series
Twelve Months in the South (Minami juni ko)_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - The Eleventh Month (Juichigatsu), from the series
Twelve Months in the South (Minami juni ko)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Totsuka, from the series Mount Fuji in the Four Seasons
(Shiki no Fuji)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - A Woman Emerging from the Bath and a Black Dog, from the series
Comparison of the Charms of Alluring Women (Irokurabe enpu sugata)_ARTELINO
Torii Kiyonaga - A Woman Emerging from the Bath and a Black Dog, from the series
Comparison of the Charms of Alluring Women (Irokurabe enpu sugata)_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Asuka no Suika, form the series Eight Scenes of Edo
(Koto hakkei)_AIC
(Koto hakkei)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Cherry Blossom Viewing at Asuka Hill_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Cherry Blossom Viewing at Asuka Hill_AIC (2)
Torii Kiyonaga - Discovering the Address of a Husband's Lover, from the series
A Collection of Humorous Poems (Haifu yanagidaru)_AIC
A Collection of Humorous Poems (Haifu yanagidaru)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Ferry on the Rokugo River_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Ferry on the Rokugo River_AIC (2)
Torii Kiyonaga - Hairdressing Room (Kamibeya), from the series
Ten Kinds of Incense in the Pleasure Quarters (Seiro jisshu ko)_AIC
Ten Kinds of Incense in the Pleasure Quarters (Seiro jisshu ko)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Kesa Gozen, from the series Modern Versions of Japanese Beauties
(Wakoku bijn ryakushû)_MFA
(Wakoku bijn ryakushû)_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Kesa Gozen, from the series Modern Versions of Japanese Beauties
(Wakoku bijn ryakushû)_MFA (2)
(Wakoku bijn ryakushû)_MFA (2)
Torii Kiyonaga - Miyanoshita, from the series Seven Famous
Hot Springs of Hakone (Hakone shichito meisho)_AIC
Hot Springs of Hakone (Hakone shichito meisho)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Mother-in-Law Teasing the Bride, from the series
A Collection of Humorous Poems (Haifu yanagidaru)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Nakasu, from the series Ten Scenes of Enjoying
the Cool in the Three Cities (Sangatsu ryo jikkei_AIC
the Cool in the Three Cities (Sangatsu ryo jikkei_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Nippori / Koto Hana Ju-kei_BM
Torii Kiyonaga - Ono no Komachi Washing the Copybook, from the series
Floating World Versions of the Seven Komachi (Ukiyo Nana Komachi)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Washing the Manuscript (Sôshi arai), from the series
Seven Komachi in the Floating World (Ukiyo Nana Komachi)_MFA
Seven Komachi in the Floating World (Ukiyo Nana Komachi)_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Ono no Komachi, from the series 'Modern Versions
of Famous Japanese Beauties' (Wakoku bijin yatsushi shu)_AIC
of Famous Japanese Beauties' (Wakoku bijin yatsushi shu)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Parrot (Omu), from the series Floating World Versions
of the Seven Komachi (Ukiyo Nana Komachi)_AIC
of the Seven Komachi (Ukiyo Nana Komachi)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Scene at the Daifukuya (Daifukuya no dan),
from the series Go Taiheiki Shiraishi Banashi_AIC
from the series Go Taiheiki Shiraishi Banashi_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Scene at the Daifukuya (Daifukuya no dan),
from the series Go Taiheiki Shiraishi Banashi_AIC
from the series Go Taiheiki Shiraishi Banashi_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Sunset Glow of Late Summer (Choka no sekisho),
from the series Eight Scenes of the Four Seasons (Shiki hakkei)_AIC
from the series Eight Scenes of the Four Seasons (Shiki hakkei)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Sunset Glow of Late Summer (Chôka no sekisho),
from the series Eight Views of the Four Seasons (Shiki hakkei)_MFA
from the series Eight Views of the Four Seasons (Shiki hakkei)_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Takata, from the series Ten Summer Scenes in Edo (Edo natsu jikkei)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Teahouse overlooking rice fields, from the series
Ten Precincts of Kinryuzan Temple in Asakusa (Asakusa Kinruzan jikkei)_AIC
Ten Precincts of Kinryuzan Temple in Asakusa (Asakusa Kinruzan jikkei)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - The Courtesans Nioteru, Namiji, and Omi of the Ogiya_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - The Poet Sojo Henjo, from the series Six Immortal Poets (Rokkasen)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Three Beauties in Living Room_ARTELINO
Torii Kiyonaga - Tomigaoka, from the series Ten Scenes of Teahouses
(Chamise jikkei)_AIC
(Chamise jikkei)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Treasured Admonitions to Young Women
(Jijo hokun onna Imagawa)_AIC
(Jijo hokun onna Imagawa)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Treasured Admonitions to Young Women
(Jijo hokun onna Imagawa)_AIC
(Jijo hokun onna Imagawa)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Liking Flatterers and Disliking Virtuous People,
from the series A Treasury of Admonitions to Young Ladies_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Two Geisha Struggling for a Letter (Fumi no arasoi),
from the series Flowers of Nakasu (Nakasu no hana)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Two Women at a Boat Landing, from the series
Flowers of Nakasu (Nakasu no hana)_MFA
Flowers of Nakasu (Nakasu no hana)_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Two Women at a Boat Landing, from the series
Flowers of Nakasu (Nakasu no hana)_UWM
Flowers of Nakasu (Nakasu no hana)_UWM
Torii Kiyonaga - Two Women in a Garden_MET
Torii Kiyonaga - Two Women Waiting for a Ferry on the Sumida River_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Women and Children on the Causeway at Shinobazu Pond_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Women in Snowy Garden_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Women on Balcony and Fan Peddler on Street_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Uma no Naishi, from the series Collection of Famous
Japanese Beauties in Modern Guise (Wakoku bijin ryakushû)_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Uma no Naishi, from the series Modern Versions of Famous
Japanese Beauties (Wakoku bijin Yatsushishu)_MFA (2)
Japanese Beauties (Wakoku bijin Yatsushishu)_MFA (2)
Torii Kiyonaga - A Woman Who Neglects Her Husband's Parents Invites Criticism,
from the series A Treasury of Admonitions to Young Ladies_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - A Woman Who Neglects Her Husband's Parents Invites Criticism,
from the series A Treasury of Admonitions to Young Ladies_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Ushi-no-gozen, from the series Famous Places of Edo
(Edo meisho)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Women Viewing a Snowy Garden from a Parlor_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Women Visiting Mimeguri Shrine_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Women Visiting Mimeguri Shrine_AIC (2)
Torii Kiyonaga - Yoshiwara, from the series Ten Summer Scenes in Edo
(Edo natsu jikkei)_MFA
(Edo natsu jikkei)_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Young Boy Wearing Hakama for the First Time, from from the series
A Brocade of Eastern Manners (Fuzoku Azuma no nishiki)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Yumoto, from the series Seven Famous Hot Springs of Hakone
(Hakone shichito meisho)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Yushima from the series Scenes of Ten Teahouses
(Chamise jikkei)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Visiting (Kayoi), from the series Floating World Versions
of the Seven Komachi (Ukiyo Nana Komachi)_AIC
of the Seven Komachi (Ukiyo Nana Komachi)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Visiting the Shrine of Enmei Jizo, from the series
Eight Precincts of Kinryuzan Temple in Asakusa (Asakusa Kinruzan hakkei)_AIC
Eight Precincts of Kinryuzan Temple in Asakusa (Asakusa Kinruzan hakkei)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Visitors to Enoshima_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Watching the Water Festival from Azuma Bridge, from the series
Eight Precincts of the Kinryuzan Temple in Asakusa (Asakusa Kinruzan hakkei)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - View from Azuma Bridge, from the series
Ten Precincts of Kinryuzan Temple in Asakusa (Asakusa Kinruzan jikkei)_AIC
Ten Precincts of Kinryuzan Temple in Asakusa (Asakusa Kinruzan jikkei)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Women Passing a Moxa Shop, from the series
Ten Poems of Moral Precepts (Kyôka jisshu)_MFA
Ten Poems of Moral Precepts (Kyôka jisshu)_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - A Fan Suggesting a Dispersed Storm (Sensu no seiran)
from the series 'Eight Fashionable Scenes of the Parlor (Furyu zashiki hakkei)'_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - A Fan Suggesting a Dispersed Storm (Sensu no seiran)
from the series Eight Scenes of the Parlor_AIC
from the series Eight Scenes of the Parlor_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - A Mirror on a Stand Suggesting the Autumnal Moon,
from the series Eight Scenes of the Parlor (Zashiki hakkei)_AIC
from the series Eight Scenes of the Parlor (Zashiki hakkei)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Night Rain of the Tea Stand, from the series
Eight Scenes of the Parlor (Zashiki hakkei)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Carrying a Lantern Decorated with a Pavilion, Gohei,
Flowers, and Fan, from the series The Festival of the Kanda Shrine (Kanda go-sairei)_AIC
Flowers, and Fan, from the series The Festival of the Kanda Shrine (Kanda go-sairei)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Carrying a Lantern Decorated with the Flowers of the Four Seasons,
from the series The Festival of the Sanno Shrine (Sanno go-sairei)_AIC
from the series The Festival of the Sanno Shrine (Sanno go-sairei)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Carrying a lantern sponsored by the Kojimachi,
from the series The Festival of the Sanno Shrine (Sanno gosairei)_AIC
from the series The Festival of the Sanno Shrine (Sanno gosairei)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Carrying a lantern sponsored by the Motozaimoku-cho,
from the series The Festival of the Sanno Shrine (Sanno gosairei)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Court Ladies Viewing Cherry Blossoms, from the series
A Collection of Skits from the Niwaka Festival in the Pleasure Quarters_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - Court Ladies Viewing Cherry Blossoms, from the series
A Collection of Skits from the Niwaka Festival in the Pleasure Quarters_MFA
Torii Kiyonaga - The Procession of the Dragon King (Ryûjin bayashi nerimono),
from the series Compendium of the Yoshiwara Niwaka Festival (Seiro Niwaka zukushi)_AIC
from the series Compendium of the Yoshiwara Niwaka Festival (Seiro Niwaka zukushi)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - Geese Descending in Mid Autumn (Seishu no rakugan),
from the series Eight Scenes of the Four Seasons_AIC
from the series Eight Scenes of the Four Seasons_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - The Eighth Month, from the series
Twelve Months in the South (Minami juni ko)_AIC
Twelve Months in the South (Minami juni ko)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - The Farmer (No) from the series Beauties
Illustrating the Four Social Classes (Adesugata shi no ko sho)_AIC
Illustrating the Four Social Classes (Adesugata shi no ko sho)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - The Artisan (Ko) from the series Beauties
Illustrating the Four Social Classes (Adesugata shi no ko sho)_AIC
Illustrating the Four Social Classes (Adesugata shi no ko sho)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - The Merchant (Sho) from the series Beauties
Illustrating the Four Social Classes (Adesugata shi no ko sho)_aic
Illustrating the Four Social Classes (Adesugata shi no ko sho)_aic
Torii Kiyonaga - The Samurai (Shi) from the series Beauties
Illustrating the Four Social Classes (Adesugata shi no ko sho)_AIC
Illustrating the Four Social Classes (Adesugata shi no ko sho)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - The Fifth Month (Satsuki), from the series
Fashionable Twelve Seasons (Furyu juni kiko_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - The Sixth Month (Minatsuki), from the series
Fashionable Twelve Months (Furyu juniko)_AIC
Fashionable Twelve Months (Furyu juniko)_AIC
Torii Kiyonaga - The First Month (Mutsuki), from the series
Fashionable Twelve Seasons (Furyu juni kiko)_AIC
Fashionable Twelve Seasons (Furyu juni kiko)_AIC