





Renunciar a todo asimiento, prescindir de cualquier anclaje,
abjurar de oportunas —y oportunistas— tablas de salvación,
renegar de la proximidad a los lugares seguros y acogedores
(y todo eso ha sido, de alguna forma, este blog a lo largo de los años),
es la forma más determinante de abocarse verdaderamente a la deriva,
de poner a prueba la más absoluta, sí, pero también la más angustiosa
y desasosegante sensación de libertad que le cabe sentir al ser humano:
de ella uno habrá de volver transfigurado, loco o tristemente rehabilitado
(de ese profundo afán de verdad que puja en las mentes más lúcidas
y que late, inexorable, en los corazones más íntegros e insobornables).
Pensamientos últimos. Héctor Amado
y que late, inexorable, en los corazones más íntegros e insobornables).
Pensamientos últimos. Héctor Amado
Una introducción fallida y enmendada
La Carpeta Negra
(relato fallido)
(relato fallido)
.....Por fuera no tenía nada de singular, una carpeta más entre las varias decenas de carpetas que colmaban las cajas bien ordenadas del archivo que Héctor me dejara en legado. Si acaso cabría destacar en ésta tanto un mayor volumen (las solapas apenas sí podían abrazarla y las gomas, sobre estiradas, parecían poner a prueba su elasticidad) como un mayor desgaste por el uso. Pero no fueron ni su volumen o su mayor desgaste lo que me llamó poderosamente la atención sino la leyenda del rótulo de identificación: Japonismo: Índice y Origen de una Búsqueda (respeto las iniciales con mayúsculas que allí figuraban; Héctor Amado era muy propenso a ello, era su manera de subrayar la importancia que para él tenía el contenido de los conceptos en determinadas circunstancias). Todo indicaba que allí dentro me toparía con otro de esos singulares hallazgos a los que la ecléctica obra de de mi amigo me tenía acostumbrado. Además, mi gusto por lo japonés se sintió de alguna manera intrigado.
.....La carpeta, como venía siendo habitual, contenía una variedad de documentos: hojas sueltas con anotaciones, listados, esquemas, tablas y referencias, algunos mapas, cuadernillos manuscritos de diverso formato y tamaño, fotografías, estampas y dibujos... lo de siempre, vamos. Habría que realizar un análisis cuidadoso para relacionar todo ello y descubrir, acaso, su íntima historia (porque a esas alturas de mi labor investigadora del archivo de mi desaparecido legatario yo ya barruntaba que la tendría).
.....Estaba claro que el tema era Japón; también lo estaba que se trataba de arte. Un vistazo a las estampas y fotografías, cuidadosamente agrupadas y ceñidas por gomas, precisaba que el arte que allí era motivo de atención era el pictórico; aunque no se podía descartar el literario, pues los cuadernillos, a decir de los títulos que figuraban en sus cubiertas, parecían contener ensayos y relatos.
.....Coloqué a un lado las hojas sueltas y los mapas, las ilustraciones y las fotos a otro, y los cuadernillos en un tercero. Ojeé éstos, repasé sus títulos y los separé a su vez por materias; entre los ensayos pude leer: Arte Ukiyo-e: genialidad, artesanía, emoción, La Belleza de los Mundos Flotantes, Minimalismo Visual y figurativismo en el Ukiyo-e, El Shunga: ¿Erotismo o pornografía?; y entre los relatos: La cortesana de Shinagawa, El pigmento mágico, Okita Naniwaya y Takashima Oisha: historia de una rivalidad, El escondite de Utamaro y Las Primaveras Tardías (en clara alusión al gran cineasta japonés, Yasujiro Ozu).
...la enmienda
.....No obstante, nada se ha dicho en el dicho párrafo que no sea verdad, tanto en cuanto a la intención como al contenido de lo que aquí se ha de tratar, pero no lo abordaré desde la ficción narrativa sino desde la más pragmática realidad descriptiva (así esté teñida de poesía o de magia). Los ensayos antes citados ahí están, serán base documental del guión textual que acompañará a las muchas ilustraciones que se adjuntarán en las siguientes entradas; los relatos también existen, y en el momento de escribir esta introducción aún no tengo claro si serán parte integrante de los diferentes posts, o cómo lo serán en caso de que lo sean (tiempo es de muchas dudas y pocas certezas).
.....Lo que sí es seguro es que el contenido gráfico será extraordinariamente prolijo, tanto en autores como en obras. De unos he elegido los más característicos a la hora de abordar el género bijinga; de las otras, como es habitual, las de mejor factura, las más bellas (en este caso de las bellas), las más singulares, características o raras. Pero dado lo peculiar de este arte, que tanto tiene de artesanía —hasta el punto de elevar ésta al rango superior del arte—, en el que de cada obra se realizaban, con un rudimentario aunque ingenioso y artesanal método manual en serie, numerosas copias que las hacía únicas y diferentes entre sí, de las cuales sólo han sobrevivido unas pocas, hallándose éstas desperdigadas por algo más de media docena de instituciones museísticas, el resultado final será ingente al incluir en ocasiones tres, cuatro o cinco versiones de la misma obra, salidas todas de los mismos bloques grabados, aunque con diferentes matices de color y diferente grado de evolución/conservación a lo largo del tiempo.
.....El arte ukiyo-e es la manifestación pictórica más característica de Japón, del Japón clásico tardío, el comprendido en el Periodo Edo, la Era Tokugawa, en que el poder efectivo representado por el Shogunato lo detentó este poderoso clan, heredero de los legendarios Minamoto (también conocidos como Genji) y Matsudaira, durante 270 años (el poder representativo seguiría en manos de un Emperador más figura decorativa que gobernante real). Se trata del mayor periodo de paz que el país del sol naciente ha conocido (si excluimos los dos primeros tercios del Periodo Heian, entre los siglos VIII y XI, verdadera Edad Dorada de la cultura japonesa), tiempo de endogamia cultural en el que durante más de dos siglos y medio las fronteras permanecerían cerradas al exterior. Será en los siglos XVIII y XIX cuando florecerá, pues, este arte pictórico singular: una interpretación nipona de la xilografía que, como todo en la sincrética cultura del país del sol naciente, alcanzaría un refinamiento exquisito.
.....Ukiyo-e significa "escenas del Mundo Flotante" o "imágenes del Mundo Flotante", siendo ese mundo flotante la creciente burguesía acomodada que se desarrolló en el ámbito urbano, sus modos y alegres costumbres. Los temas principales que recrean los artistas que giran en torno a la manifestación dramática más popular, el teatro Kabuki, la vida en los barrios alegres (casas de té a las que acudía esta clase media y donde las cortesanas ofrecían sus servicios), las mujeres hermosas o bellas —bijin—, las escenas eróticas o shunga, los hechos históricos, legendarios o mitológicos, con especial atención a los guerreros, los paisajes y la naturaleza representada sobre todo por las flores y las aves (más adelante se ofrecerá una más detallada y exhaustiva clasificación de los géneros y temas).
.....Pues bien, en esta serie de entradas nos centraremos en el amplio, ubicuo y hermoso mundo de las bijin (tan caro a Héctor y a mí mismo). Amplio, porque abarca todas las facetas de la actividad humana allí donde la mujer está presente; ubicuo, porque impregna transversalmente casi todos los géneros; hermoso, porque junto a ese sutil minimalismo del dibujo, más propio del cómic que de la pintura naturalista (nada que ver con el figurativismo occidental), se nos ofrece un inacabable universo de diseños y coloridos en los suntuosos ropajes con que las bellas cubren sus apenas sugeridos cuerpos.
.....El denominado bijin-ga, o género bijin (literalmente imágenes de mujeres hermosas), para ser más precisos y esbozar una síntesis sub-temática, abarca tanto el mundo de las cortesanas de las casas de té de los barrios alegres de Edo, como el de las mujeres respetables, aristócratas, nobles o burguesas; tanto el de las profesionales en cualquiera de sus facetas, como el dedicado al servicio en todos sus estratos, es decir mujeres de toda clase y condición. De hecho, uno de los subgéneros que floreció en el ukiyo-e fue el de costumbres y modas, llamado fūzoku-ga, que presentan un universo sociológico variopinto. Hay que tener en cuenta que el arte ukiyo-e giró en torno al ideal de buen gusto de la clase mercantil y el concepto del iki, término que significa vida, pero que connota elegancia, sensualidad y sofisticación, tanto en el aspecto físico como en el comportamiento cotidiano. Quizás por esto pocas veces se presentará a la mujer mostrando su desnudez (sería Utamaro, y ello debido a su enorme calidad y prestigio, quien más lejos llegaría en este afán discretamente exhibicionista —pues apenas el pecho será mostrado), eso se reserva para el género shunga, donde las escenas explícitas, a pesar de todo, suelen implicar únicamente a los órganos sexuales, que afloran entre los coloridos y vistosos kimonos.
.....En el género bijin se pretende mostrar la belleza de las formas y los colores, la de los gestos y las situaciones, la del sentido y la alegoría, la de la alusión y la sugerencia. En cierto modo podría decirse que el arte ukiyo-e en general, y el género bijin en particular, es a la pintura lo que el tanka o incluso el haiku a la poesía, en relación a la perspectiva occidental: con lo mínimo intenta sugerir lo máximo. Apela al colorido más que a la forma, pero, sobre todo, apela a la línea maestra, la que porta en sí el germen del mayor sentido, la más seminal significación. Por seguir con el gran Utamaro: hay en sus más simples esbozos más vida que en muchos farragosos y densos óleos occidentales.
.....Decirlo todo sólo con la intención, sin apenas soltar palabra, con el gesto preciso, con la línea invisible, con la explosión de color, sí, pero también, con el apenas perceptible matiz (el tiempo se encargará del resto, de difuminar lo que estorba —el exceso de color—, dando a la obra un sentido mucho más profundo, más radical, más exacto, de lo que el artista quiso capturar).
.....Es el arte ukiyo-e un arte que apela a la inteligencia más que a las entrañas, más a la sensibilidad que a la sensualidad, o que, más bien, extrae la sensualidad de la minimalista línea sugerente por destilación en el alambique de la sensibilidad del observador.
....Sin lugar a dudas, y en esto hay acuerdo unánime, Kitagawa Utamaro reina sobre todos los demás a la hora de representar la belleza femenina, y no sólo por su impecable y preciso —otrosí precioso— trazo o por su imaginativa y minuciosa composición, sino, ante todo, por su vitalidad. Nadie lo iguala a la hora de dar vida a los personajes de sus retratos o sus escenas de grupo. Nadie como él ha sabido traspasar al dibujo las emociones y los gestos que denotan una refinada sensibilidad. Nadie ha dedicado más atención al amor (incluida su versión más profana, los shunga, de sobresaliente factura), ni más reverencial dedicación a la figura de la mujer, fuera ésta una de las cortesanas de alto rango de una afamada Casa de Té de Yoshiwara (uno de los más prestigiosos barrios de placer de la capital, Edo), una noble y amorosa madre con su niñito, una pescadora de ostras, o una empleada de una factoría dedicada a la sericultura.
.....Pero Utamaro tendría un gran predecesor, alguien a quien se debe además la técnica que dotaría de policromía al arte ukiyo-e, Suzuki Harunobu, otro prolífico y sensible pintor que dedicaría especial atención al Bijin-ga. Sus figuras, llenas de gracia y delicadeza, no alcanzan no obstante la viveza de Utamaro. Torii Kiyonaga sería el tercero en discordia, si hubiera que establecer una trilogía de grandes pintores de bijin-ga del período Edo. A ellos, ya en la Era Meiji, habría que sumar las figuras de Narita Morikane o Hasegawa Sadanobu, y ya en las eras Taisho y Showa la del representante del Shin Hanga —estilo renovador—, Ito Shinsui, que será quien más se parezca en su vitalista y sugerente trazo a Utamaro, no por estilo, pero sí por transmisión de emociones. Torii Kotondo y Ashiguchi Goyo están en la misma estela estilística (Shin Hanga) que Shinsui, y frecuentan el género bijinga con semejante solvencia. Ya en época contemporánea la pintora Torii Kiyomitsu y el escocés Paul Binnie han dedicado gran atención al bijinga.
.....De todos ellos, y de alguno más, aquí me haré eco. Será un enorme reto y una ambiciosa apuesta. Varios serán los posts dedicados al tema, y es probable que se intercalen entre ellos otros posts de diversa índole para no resultar reiterativo, pero de lo que sí estoy seguro es de que al final aquí se ofrecerá la mayor panorámica existente en la red sobre el género bijinga.
.....En las primeras entradas, como es de rigor, los textos se orientarán a proporcionar contenidos referentes al arte ukiyo-e, con el imprescindible objetivo de que el profano en la materia adquiera familiaridad con esta singular manifestación artística. He manejado diversa documentación y elegido la que me ha parecido más clara y concisa. Desgraciadamente la mejor información la ofrecen páginas anglosajonas, universidades y museos cuya lengua vehicular es el inglés (cuando no directamente el japonés), por lo que me he visto obligado a realizar, por ende, una labor de traducción. El resultado, repito, será una de las páginas en español más completas de las dedicadas al arte ukiyo-e en general y, sobre todo, al bijn-ga en particular.
.....No seguiré un orden cronológico, sino electivo. Comenzaré con el mejor y más prolífico artista, Kitagawa Utamaro, aun a riesgo de que el listón se establezca ya desde el principio en lo más alto. En esto como en el mundo del vino, nada mejor para conocer la calidad vinícola de una determinada región que probar sus mejores expresiones. Él nos servirá de fiel y referencia para lo que vendrá después, pues él tocó todos los palos, tanto los relativos a la tradición como a las más innovadoras e imaginativas perspectivas. Dada su ingente producción aquí se ofrecerá una selección, a pesar de todo, muy amplia, que será suficiente para establecer tanto la excelencia y finura de su arte como su primacía en el género.
.....Sólo una precisión más: de las dos figuras que junto a Utamaro conforman la gran trilogía de la excelencia del arte ukiyo-e, Utagawa Hiroshige y Katsushika Hokusai, sólo se ofrecerán limitadas selecciones, pues el bijinga no fue un género que frecuentaran especialmente. Más enfocados a los paisajes, la flora y fauna, las costumbres y las vistas de localizaciones, su atención a las bijin fue sólo esporádica y circunstancial (quizás conscientes de que con Utamaro estaba ya todo dicho a este respecto).
.....En líneas generales y de forma muy sintética el proceso es el siguiente: comienza con el dibujo y diseño del pintor sobre papel vegetal muy fino. Éste se aplicará posteriormente sobre una plancha o bloque de madera, preferentemente de cerezo por su durabilidad y poca deformación a los cambios de temperatura y humedad. El grabador (ya no el pintor, que no obstante deberá ser un maestro en su oficio) vaciará el bloque siguiendo las líneas maestras del dibujo original (que se destruirá en el proceso). Así se obtendrá la plancha base o modelo, en la que se habrá grabado el dibujo original íntegro, que será sometida a la aprobación del pintor. A partir de éste se elaborarán tantos bloques como colores posea el diseño del artista. Un bloque para cada color. El papel a imprimir se irá colocando sucesivamente sobre cada bloque entintado con su color específico. Así se obtendrá el estampado final.
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Gran ola de Kanagawa, Katsushika Hokusai |
1. Se pega la hoja de papel sobre la plancha de madera. 2. Se graban en relieve los contornos con la ayuda de un cuchillo pequeño. 3. Se ahueca la superficie alrededor de los contornos del dibujo con una gubia y un martillo. 4. La plancha principal (omohan), que representa todo el dibujo, queda lista. 5. Se extienden sobre la plancha los pigmentos con los colores sirviéndose de un cepillo. 6. Se coloca la hoja de papel sobre la plancha de acuerdo con las muescas (kentō) que previamente se han realizado sobre la madera. 7. Se frota el papel con un tampón (baren) para que los colores penetren en el papel. 8. La xilografía se va estampando color por color, plancha por plancha. El grabador utiliza tantas planchas como pigmentos se vayan a emplear.
(tomado de nippon.com)
Haciendo una pintura ukiyo-e
.....¿Qué sentido tiene reunir en un sólo post más de trescientas imágenes? Hoy día, que se busca y prefiere la síntesis, los ciento cincuenta caracteres, los párrafos de diez líneas a lo sumo, los selfies de usar y tirar o la recensión ínfima que permita el ojeo rápido y la consulta en menos de un minuto, parece, cuanto menos, inapropiado, o, cuanto más, disparatado ofrecer tal ingente cantidad de obras, teniendo en cuenta, además, que no se es exhaustivo (habría que multiplicar por dos como mínimo para serlo de manera aproximada); pero lo hago así a sabiendas de que todas las consideraciones en contra no hacen sino abogar a que lo haga: huyo de la moda que persigue un consumo acelerado de todo, incluida la belleza, con lo que, irremediablemente, ese todo se desvaloriza, se trivializa, se cosifica, se amontona en un maremágnum de olvido y experiencia sólo rascada. Me rebelo contra este modo de vivir apresurado y aceleradamente consumista: por el camino se quedará la sensación no vivida (por desapercibimiento), la experiencia no intensamente sentida (por falta de profundidad), el enriquecimiento fundamental (cuyo valor se tasa en emoción y sentimiento). Ofrezco este ingente catálogo de imágenes no sólo por afán coleccionista —que también—, sino con la ambiciosa pretensión de dejar lo menos posible por el camino, de reunir la mayor cantidad posible de oportunidades para el regocijo estético y contemplativo.
.....Lo importante no es la moda sino el modo, no consumir sino consumar, no pasar sino instalarse, no zampar sino degustar. Vivir a la altura de nuestras más humanas capacidades, no en el vértigo de nuestras más mecánicas limitaciones.
.....La fuente casi exclusiva de donde se han extraído las imágenes de esta serie de posts sobre el arte ukiyo-e ha sido la extraordinaria página ukiyo-e.org, creada por John Resig, un programador informático e investigador entusiasta de la xilografía japonesa, que contiene la nada despreciable suma de aproximadamente 213.000 obras. Las siglas que aparecen tras el título de cada obra corresponden a las fuentes originales: instituciones museísticas, universidades, librerías, bases de datos, casas de subastas y otros concesionarios donde se ubican:
de Fuentes consultadas:
Museum of Fine Arts. Massachusetts, USA
Metropolitan Museum of New York. NY, USA
British Museum. UK
Art Institute of Chicago. Illinois, USA
Harvard Art Museum. Massachusetts, USA
Library of Congress. Washington D.C., USA
Legion of Honor (Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco), California,
The Art of Japan (Richard
Waldman and Doug Frazer) WA,
Japan Art Open Database. Online
Asian Colection Internet Auction. Online
Tokyo National Museum. Japan
University of Wisconsin Madison. Wisconsin, USA
Minneapolis Institue of Arts. Minnesota, USA
Kruml. UK
Imágenes de mujeres hermosas
Kitagawa Utamaro
Okubi-e (bustos) y figuras de medio cuerpo
Kitagawa Utamaro - A Comparison of the Looks of the Seven Lucky Beauties_BM
Kitagawa Utamaro - A Comparison of the Looks of the Seven Lucky Beauties_BM
Kitagawa Utamaro - A Wife of the Middle Rank, from the series A Guide to Women's Contemporary Styles (Tôsei onna fûzoku tsû)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Akashi of the Tamaya, from the series Seven Komachis of Yoshiwara_AIC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Akashi of the Tamaya, from the series Seven Komachis of Yoshiwara_HAM
Kitagawa Utamaro - Appearing Again_ Naniwaya Okita, from the series Renowned Beauties Compared to the Six Poetic Immortals_AIC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Appearing Again_ Naniwaya Okita, from the series Renowned Beauties Compared to the Six Poetic Immortals_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Appearing Again_ Naniwaya Okita, from the series Renowned Beauties Compared to the Six Poetic Immortals_WBP
Kitagawa Utamaro - Beauty with Comb_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Beauty_BM
Kitagawa Utamaro - Cherry Blossoms_ Segawa of the Matsubaya, from an untitled series of courtesans compared to flowers_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Courtesan Konosumi holding a Fan_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Courtesan Konosumi holding a Fan_MET
Kitagawa Utamaro - Courtesan Konosumi holding a Fan_MIA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Courtesan powdering neck_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Courtesan powdering neck_OHMI
Kitagawa Utamaro - Courtesan powdering neck_WBP
Kitagawa Utamaro - Courtesan Wakamurasaki of the Matsubaya (Matsubaya uchi Wakamurasaki)_HAM
Kitagawa Utamaro - Courtesan with a Doll, from the series Twelve Physiognomies of Beautiful Women Representing Scenes of Famous Places _MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Courtesan_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Courtesan_OHMI
Kitagawa Utamaro - Fan on Finger Tips_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Fan on Finger Tips_ARTELINO (2)
Kitagawa Utamaro - A Courtesan_MET
Kitagawa Utamaro - Flower of the Western Quarter (Saikoku no hana), from the series Comparison of Flowers in the Gardens of Edo_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Ha... of the Southern Station (Nan'eki ha-jirushi)_MET
Kitagawa Utamaro - Ha... of the Southern Station (Nan'eki ha-jirushi)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Ha... of the Southern Station (Nan'eki ha-jirushi)_MFA (2)
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hanaogi of the Ogiya-uchi (Brothel)_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hanaogi of the Ogiya-uchi (Brothel)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hanaôgi of the Ôgiya, from the series Renowned Beauties Likened to the Six Immortal Poets_AIC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hanaôgi of the Ôgiya, from the series Renowned Beauties Likened to the Six Immortal Poets_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - High-ranked Courtesan, from the series Five Shades of Ink in the Northern Quarter (Hokkoku goshiki-zumi) (Oiran)_AIC
Kitagawa Utamaro - High-ranked Courtesan, from the series Five Shades of Ink in the Northern Quarter (Hokkoku goshiki-zumi) (Oiran)_MET
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hitomoto of the Daimonjiya with Attendants Senkaku and Banki_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hitomoto of the Daimonjiya, from the series Selections from Six Houses of the Yoshiwara (Seirô rokkasen)_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hitomoto of the Daimonjiya, from the series Selections from Six Houses of the Yoshiwara (Seirô rokkasen)_OHMI
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hitomoto of the Monji-rô_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hitomoto of the Monji-rô_ARTELINO (2)
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hitomoto of the Monji-rô_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hokkoku goshiki zumi: Teppo_AIC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hokkoku goshiki zumi: Teppo_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Insect Cage_JAODB
Kitagawa Utamaro - Insect Cage_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Insect Cage_OHMI
Kitagawa Utamaro - Kisegawa of the Matsubaya, from the series Comparing the Charms of Five Beauties_AIC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Kisegawa of the Matsubaya, from the series Comparing the Charms of Five Beauties_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Kisegawa of the Matsubaya, from the series Seven Komachi of the Pleasure Quarters_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Kisen Hôshi, from the series Six Selected Elegant Poems (Fûryû rokkasen)_AIC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Kisen Hôshi, from the series Six Selected Elegant Poems (Fûryû rokkasen)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Love that Rarely Meets (Mare ni au koi) from the series Anthology of Poems: the Love Section_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Love that Rarely Meets (Mare ni au koi) from the series Anthology of Poems the: Love Section_MFA (2)
Kitagawa Utamaro - Naniwaya Okita, from an untitled series of famous beauties of Edo_TNM
Kitagawa Utamaro - Narcissus, from the series Beauties Matched with Flowers (Bijin hana awase)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Obvious Love (Arawaruru koi), from the series Anthology of Poems_ The Love Section_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Obvious Love (Arawaruru koi), from the series Anthology of Poems_ The Love Section_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Ochie of the Ko-ise-ya of the Arayashiki in Kobikichō_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Ochie of the Ko-ise-ya of the Arayashiki in Kobikichō_JAODB
Kitagawa Utamaro - Ochie of the Ko-ise-ya of the Arayashiki in Kobikichō_LoC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Peony_ Hanaôgi of the Ôgiya at Edo-machi Itchôme, from an untitled series of courtesans compared to flowers_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Reception Room in the Yoshiwara (Hokkoku no zashiki), second edition, from the series Ten Beautiful Faces_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Reflective Love (Mono omou koi), from the series Anthology of Poems_ The Love Section (Kasen koi no bu)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Reflective Love (Mono omou koi), from the series Anthology of Poems_ The Love Section (Kasen koi no bu)_AIC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Reflective Love (Mono omou koi), from the series Anthology of Poems_ The Love Section (Kasen koi no bu)_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Reflective Love (Mono omou koi), from the series Anthology of Poems_ The Love Section (Kasen koi no bu)_ARTELINO (2)
Kitagawa Utamaro - Seven Women Applying Make-up Using a Mirror (Sugatami shichinin keshô)_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Seven Women Applying Make-up Using a Mirror (Sugatami shichinin keshô)_BM
Kitagawa Utamaro - Seven Women Applying Make-up Using a Mirror (Sugatami shichinin keshô)_MET
Kitagawa Utamaro - Seven Women Applying Make-up Using a Mirror (Sugatami shichinin keshô)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Seven Women Applying Make-up Using a Mirror (Sugatami shichinin keshô)_OHMI
Kitagawa Utamaro - Seven Women Applying Make-up Using a Mirror (Sugatami shichinin keshô)_WBP
Kitagawa Utamaro - Shaving the Eyebrows, from the series Ten Types in the Physiognomic Study of Women (Fujin sôgaku juttai)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Suzume of Yoshiwara_LoC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Suzume of Yoshiwara_WBP
Kitagawa Utamaro - Sôjô Henjô, from the series Six Selected Elegant Poems (Fûryû rokkasen)_AIC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Sôjô Henjô, from the series Six Selected Elegant Poems (Fûryû rokkasen)_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Sôjô Henjô, from the series Six Selected Elegant Poems (Fûryû rokkasen)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Sôjô Henjô, from the series Six Selected Elegant Poems (Fûryû rokkasen)_MFA (2)
Kitagawa Utamaro - Sôjô Henjô, from the series Six Selected Elegant Poems (Fûryû rokkasen)_MFA (3)
Kitagawa Utamaro - Akashi of the Tamaya, from the series Seven Komachis of Yoshiwara_AIC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Akashi of the Tamaya, from the series Seven Komachis of Yoshiwara_HAM
Kitagawa Utamaro - Appearing Again_ Naniwaya Okita, from the series Renowned Beauties Compared to the Six Poetic Immortals_AIC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Appearing Again_ Naniwaya Okita, from the series Renowned Beauties Compared to the Six Poetic Immortals_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Appearing Again_ Naniwaya Okita, from the series Renowned Beauties Compared to the Six Poetic Immortals_WBP
Kitagawa Utamaro - Beauty with Comb_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Beauty_BM
Kitagawa Utamaro - Cherry Blossoms_ Segawa of the Matsubaya, from an untitled series of courtesans compared to flowers_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Courtesan Konosumi holding a Fan_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Courtesan Konosumi holding a Fan_MET
Kitagawa Utamaro - Courtesan Konosumi holding a Fan_MIA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Courtesan powdering neck_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Courtesan powdering neck_OHMI
Kitagawa Utamaro - Courtesan powdering neck_WBP
Kitagawa Utamaro - Courtesan Wakamurasaki of the Matsubaya (Matsubaya uchi Wakamurasaki)_HAM
Kitagawa Utamaro - Courtesan with a Doll, from the series Twelve Physiognomies of Beautiful Women Representing Scenes of Famous Places _MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Courtesan_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Courtesan_OHMI
Kitagawa Utamaro - Fan on Finger Tips_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Fan on Finger Tips_ARTELINO (2)
Kitagawa Utamaro - A Courtesan_MET
Kitagawa Utamaro - Flower of the Western Quarter (Saikoku no hana), from the series Comparison of Flowers in the Gardens of Edo_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Ha... of the Southern Station (Nan'eki ha-jirushi)_MET
Kitagawa Utamaro - Ha... of the Southern Station (Nan'eki ha-jirushi)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Ha... of the Southern Station (Nan'eki ha-jirushi)_MFA (2)
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hanaogi of the Ogiya-uchi (Brothel)_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hanaogi of the Ogiya-uchi (Brothel)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hanaôgi of the Ôgiya, from the series Renowned Beauties Likened to the Six Immortal Poets_AIC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hanaôgi of the Ôgiya, from the series Renowned Beauties Likened to the Six Immortal Poets_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - High-ranked Courtesan, from the series Five Shades of Ink in the Northern Quarter (Hokkoku goshiki-zumi) (Oiran)_AIC
Kitagawa Utamaro - High-ranked Courtesan, from the series Five Shades of Ink in the Northern Quarter (Hokkoku goshiki-zumi) (Oiran)_MET
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hitomoto of the Daimonjiya with Attendants Senkaku and Banki_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hitomoto of the Daimonjiya, from the series Selections from Six Houses of the Yoshiwara (Seirô rokkasen)_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hitomoto of the Daimonjiya, from the series Selections from Six Houses of the Yoshiwara (Seirô rokkasen)_OHMI
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hitomoto of the Monji-rô_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hitomoto of the Monji-rô_ARTELINO (2)
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hitomoto of the Monji-rô_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hokkoku goshiki zumi: Teppo_AIC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hokkoku goshiki zumi: Teppo_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Insect Cage_JAODB
Kitagawa Utamaro - Insect Cage_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Insect Cage_OHMI
Kitagawa Utamaro - Kisegawa of the Matsubaya, from the series Comparing the Charms of Five Beauties_AIC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Kisegawa of the Matsubaya, from the series Comparing the Charms of Five Beauties_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Kisegawa of the Matsubaya, from the series Seven Komachi of the Pleasure Quarters_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Kisen Hôshi, from the series Six Selected Elegant Poems (Fûryû rokkasen)_AIC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Kisen Hôshi, from the series Six Selected Elegant Poems (Fûryû rokkasen)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Love that Rarely Meets (Mare ni au koi) from the series Anthology of Poems: the Love Section_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Love that Rarely Meets (Mare ni au koi) from the series Anthology of Poems the: Love Section_MFA (2)
Kitagawa Utamaro - Naniwaya Okita, from an untitled series of famous beauties of Edo_TNM
Kitagawa Utamaro - Narcissus, from the series Beauties Matched with Flowers (Bijin hana awase)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Obvious Love (Arawaruru koi), from the series Anthology of Poems_ The Love Section_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Obvious Love (Arawaruru koi), from the series Anthology of Poems_ The Love Section_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Ochie of the Ko-ise-ya of the Arayashiki in Kobikichō_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Ochie of the Ko-ise-ya of the Arayashiki in Kobikichō_JAODB
Kitagawa Utamaro - Ochie of the Ko-ise-ya of the Arayashiki in Kobikichō_LoC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Ochie of the Ko-ise-ya of the Arayashiki in Kobikichō_WBP
Kitagawa Utamaro - Oseyo of the Hiranoya Tea House_ARTELINO.
Kitagawa Utamaro - Oseyo of the Hiranoya Tea House_JAODB
Kitagawa Utamaro - Peony_ Hanaôgi of the Ôgiya at Edo-machi Itchôme, from an untitled series of courtesans compared to flowers_MFA.
Kitagawa Utamaro - Peony_ Hanaôgi of the Ôgiya at Edo-machi Itchôme, from an untitled series of courtesans compared to flowers_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Reception Room in the Yoshiwara (Hokkoku no zashiki), second edition, from the series Ten Beautiful Faces_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Reflective Love (Mono omou koi), from the series Anthology of Poems_ The Love Section (Kasen koi no bu)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Reflective Love (Mono omou koi), from the series Anthology of Poems_ The Love Section (Kasen koi no bu)_AIC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Reflective Love (Mono omou koi), from the series Anthology of Poems_ The Love Section (Kasen koi no bu)_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Reflective Love (Mono omou koi), from the series Anthology of Poems_ The Love Section (Kasen koi no bu)_ARTELINO (2)
Kitagawa Utamaro - Seven Women Applying Make-up Using a Mirror (Sugatami shichinin keshô)_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Seven Women Applying Make-up Using a Mirror (Sugatami shichinin keshô)_BM
Kitagawa Utamaro - Seven Women Applying Make-up Using a Mirror (Sugatami shichinin keshô)_MET
Kitagawa Utamaro - Seven Women Applying Make-up Using a Mirror (Sugatami shichinin keshô)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Seven Women Applying Make-up Using a Mirror (Sugatami shichinin keshô)_OHMI
Kitagawa Utamaro - Seven Women Applying Make-up Using a Mirror (Sugatami shichinin keshô)_WBP
Kitagawa Utamaro - Shaving the Eyebrows, from the series Ten Types in the Physiognomic Study of Women (Fujin sôgaku juttai)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Suzume of Yoshiwara_LoC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Suzume of Yoshiwara_WBP
Kitagawa Utamaro - Sôjô Henjô, from the series Six Selected Elegant Poems (Fûryû rokkasen)_AIC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Sôjô Henjô, from the series Six Selected Elegant Poems (Fûryû rokkasen)_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Sôjô Henjô, from the series Six Selected Elegant Poems (Fûryû rokkasen)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Sôjô Henjô, from the series Six Selected Elegant Poems (Fûryû rokkasen)_MFA (2)
Kitagawa Utamaro - Sôjô Henjô, from the series Six Selected Elegant Poems (Fûryû rokkasen)_MFA (3)
Kitagawa Utamaro - Ta... of the Western Station (Nishi eki ta-jirushi)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Takigawa of the Ogiya Green house_AOJ
Kitagawa Utamaro - Takigawa of the Ogiya Green house_JAODB
Kitagawa Utamaro - Tatsumi Rokô (name in rebus form), from the series Renowned Beauties Likened to the Six Immortal Poets_AIC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Tatsumi Rokô (name in rebus form), from the series Renowned Beauties Likened to the Six Immortal Poets_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - The Chôfu Jewel River, from an untitled series of Six Jewel Rivers (Mu Tamagawa)_MET
Kitagawa Utamaro - The Chôfu Jewel River, from an untitled series of Six Jewel Rivers (Mu Tamagawa)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - The Cloth-fulling Jewel River (Tôi no Tamagawa), from an untitled series of Six Jewel Rivers (Mu Tamagawa)_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - The Cloth-fulling Jewel River (Tôi no Tamagawa), from an untitled series of Six Jewel Rivers (Mu Tamagawa)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - The Courtesan Hanazuma Reading A Letter_JAODB
Kitagawa Utamaro - The Courtesan Hanazuma Reading A Letter_MET
Kitagawa Utamaro - The Courtesan Tagasode of Daimonjiya_JAODB
Kitagawa Utamaro - The Face of Osan, Wife of Mohei (Mohei nyôbo Osan ga sô), from an untitled series_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - The Face of Oshun, Wife of Denbei (Denbei nyôbô Oshun ga sô)_LoC
Kitagawa Utamaro - The Face of Oshun, Wife of Denbei (Denbei nyôbô Oshun ga sô)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - The Habit of Bashfulness (Omohayuki kuse), from the series Seven Bad Habits (Nakute nana kuse)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - The Habit of Looking Clever (Rihatsu no miyuru kuse), from the series Seven Bad Habits (Nakute nana kuse)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - The Ide Jewel River, from an untitled series of Six Jewel Rivers (Mu Tamagawa)_JAODB
Kitagawa Utamaro - The Ide Jewel River, from an untitled series of Six Jewel Rivers (Mu Tamagawa)_JAODB
Kitagawa Utamaro - The Kôya Jewel River (Kôya no Tamagawa), from an untitled series of Six Jewel Rivers (Mu Tamagawa)_FAMSF
Kitagawa Utamaro - The Noda Jewel River, from an untitled series of Six Jewel Rivers (Mu Tamagawa)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - The Suminoe at Shiba (Shiba Suminoe), from the series Comparing the Charms of the Five Beauties_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - The Widow of Asahiya, from the series Renowned Beauties Likened to the Six Immortal Poets_AIC
Kitagawa Utamaro - The Widow of Asahiya, from the series Renowned Beauties Likened to the Six Immortal Poets_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - The Widow of Asahiya, from the series Renowned Beauties Likened to the Six Immortal Poets_TNM
Kitagawa Utamaro - Takigawa of the Ogiya Green house_AOJ
Kitagawa Utamaro - Takigawa of the Ogiya Green house_JAODB
Kitagawa Utamaro - Tatsumi Rokô (name in rebus form), from the series Renowned Beauties Likened to the Six Immortal Poets_AIC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Tatsumi Rokô (name in rebus form), from the series Renowned Beauties Likened to the Six Immortal Poets_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - The Chôfu Jewel River, from an untitled series of Six Jewel Rivers (Mu Tamagawa)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - The Cloth-fulling Jewel River (Tôi no Tamagawa), from an untitled series of Six Jewel Rivers (Mu Tamagawa)_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - The Cloth-fulling Jewel River (Tôi no Tamagawa), from an untitled series of Six Jewel Rivers (Mu Tamagawa)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - The Courtesan Hanazuma Reading A Letter_JAODB
Kitagawa Utamaro - The Courtesan Hanazuma Reading A Letter_MET
Kitagawa Utamaro - The Courtesan Tagasode of Daimonjiya_JAODB
Kitagawa Utamaro - The Face of Osan, Wife of Mohei (Mohei nyôbo Osan ga sô), from an untitled series_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - The Face of Oshun, Wife of Denbei (Denbei nyôbô Oshun ga sô)_LoC
Kitagawa Utamaro - The Face of Oshun, Wife of Denbei (Denbei nyôbô Oshun ga sô)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - The Habit of Bashfulness (Omohayuki kuse), from the series Seven Bad Habits (Nakute nana kuse)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - The Habit of Looking Clever (Rihatsu no miyuru kuse), from the series Seven Bad Habits (Nakute nana kuse)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - The Ide Jewel River, from an untitled series of Six Jewel Rivers (Mu Tamagawa)_JAODB
Kitagawa Utamaro - The Ide Jewel River, from an untitled series of Six Jewel Rivers (Mu Tamagawa)_JAODB
Kitagawa Utamaro - The Kôya Jewel River (Kôya no Tamagawa), from an untitled series of Six Jewel Rivers (Mu Tamagawa)_FAMSF
Kitagawa Utamaro - The Noda Jewel River, from an untitled series of Six Jewel Rivers (Mu Tamagawa)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - The Suminoe at Shiba (Shiba Suminoe), from the series Comparing the Charms of the Five Beauties_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - The Widow of Asahiya, from the series Renowned Beauties Likened to the Six Immortal Poets_AIC
Kitagawa Utamaro - The Widow of Asahiya, from the series Renowned Beauties Likened to the Six Immortal Poets_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - The Widow of Asahiya, from the series Renowned Beauties Likened to the Six Immortal Poets_TNM
Kitagawa Utamaro - To... of the Land of Geisha (Geikuni to-jirushi)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Wife of a Virtuous Man, from the series Ten Beautiful Women_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Woman Cleaning a Pipe, from the series Twelve Physiognomies of Beautiful Women Representing Scenes of Famous Places_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Woman Cleaning Her Ears, from the series Ten Types of Women's Physiognomies (Bijin mensô juttai no zu)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Woman Holding a Comb_AIC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Woman Holding a Comb_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Woman Holding a Comb_LoC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Woman Holding a Piece of Gauze Before Her Face_AIC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Woman Holding a Piece of Gauze Before Her Face_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Woman Holding Comb, from the series Ten Types of Women's Physiognomies (Bijin mensô juttai no zu)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Woman Warming Her Hands inside Her Kimono, from the series Eight Views of Tea-stalls in Famous Places_FAMSF
Kitagawa Utamaro - Woman Warming Her Hands inside Her Kimono, from the series Eight Views of Tea-stalls in Famous Places_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Yamauba Nursing Kintoki_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Yosooi of the Matsubaya, from the series Contemporary Courtesans Drawn from Life (Tôji yûkun iki-utsushi)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Wife of a Virtuous Man, from the series Ten Beautiful Women_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Woman Cleaning a Pipe, from the series Twelve Physiognomies of Beautiful Women Representing Scenes of Famous Places_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Woman Cleaning Her Ears, from the series Ten Types of Women's Physiognomies (Bijin mensô juttai no zu)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Woman Holding a Comb_AIC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Woman Holding a Comb_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Woman Holding a Comb_LoC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Woman Holding a Piece of Gauze Before Her Face_AIC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Woman Holding a Piece of Gauze Before Her Face_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Woman Holding Comb, from the series Ten Types of Women's Physiognomies (Bijin mensô juttai no zu)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Woman Warming Her Hands inside Her Kimono, from the series Eight Views of Tea-stalls in Famous Places_FAMSF
Kitagawa Utamaro - Woman Warming Her Hands inside Her Kimono, from the series Eight Views of Tea-stalls in Famous Places_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Yamauba Nursing Kintoki_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Yosooi of the Matsubaya, from the series Contemporary Courtesans Drawn from Life (Tôji yûkun iki-utsushi)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - A Flower of the Ôgiya (Ôgiya uchi Hana) [=Hanaôgi], from the series Array of Supreme Beauties of the Present Day_OHMI
Kitagawa Utamaro - A Flower of the Ôgiya (Ôgiya uchi Hana) [=Hanaôgi], from the series Array of Supreme Beauties of the Present Day_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Combing the Hair, from the series Ten Types in the Physiognomic Study of Women_BM
Kitagawa Utamaro - A Flower of the Ôgiya (Ôgiya uchi Hana) [=Hanaôgi], from the series Array of Supreme Beauties of the Present Day_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Combing the Hair, from the series Ten Types in the Physiognomic Study of Women_BM
Kitagawa Utamaro - Combing the Hair, from the series Ten Types in the Physiognomic Study of Women_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Combing the Hair, from the series Ten Types in the Physiognomic Study of Women_ARTELINO (2)
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hanamurasaki of the Tamaya, kamuro Sekiya and Teriha, from the series Array of Supreme Beauties of the Present Day_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hanamurasaki of the Tamaya, kamuro Sekiya and Teriha, from the series Array of Supreme Beauties of the Present Day_TNM
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hanaôgi of the Gomeirô (Gomeirô Hanaôgi), from the series Comparing the Charms of Beauties (Bijin kiryô kurabe)_MET
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hanaôgi of the Gomeirô (Gomeirô Hanaôgi), from the series Comparing the Charms of Beauties (Bijin kiryô kurabe)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hanaôgi of the Ôgiya, kamuro Yoshino and Tatsuta (Ôgiya uchi Hanaôgi, Yoshino, Tatsuta)_MET
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hanaôgi of the Ôgiya, kamuro Yoshino and Tatsuta (Ôgiya uchi Hanaôgi, Yoshino, Tatsuta)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hanaôgi of the Ôgiya, kamuro Yoshino and Tatsuta (Ôgiya uchi Hanaôgi, Yoshino, Tatsuta)_MET
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hanaôgi of the Ôgiya, kamuro Yoshino and Tatsuta (Ôgiya uchi Hanaôgi, Yoshino, Tatsuta)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hinazuru of the Keizetsuro, from the series 'Comparing the Charms of Beauties (Bijin kiryo kurabe)'_AIC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hinazuru of the Keizetsuro, from the series 'Comparing the Charms of Beauties (Bijin kiryo kurabe)'_BM
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hinazuru of the Keizetsuro, from the series 'Comparing the Charms of Beauties (Bijin kiryo kurabe)'_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hitomoto of the Daimonjiya, from the series Selections from Six Houses of the Yoshiwara (Seirô rokkasen)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hitomoto of the Daimonjiya, from the series Selections from Six Houses of the Yoshiwara (Seirô rokkasen)_MIA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Kitagawa Utamaro - Hinazuru of the Chojiya, from the series Array of Supreme Beauties of the Present Day_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Love for a Street-walker (Tsuji-gimi ni yosuru koi)_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Love for a Street-walker (Tsuji-gimi ni yosuru koi)_ARTELINO (2)
Kitagawa Utamaro - Love for a Street-walker (Tsuji-gimi ni yosuru koi)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Love that Meets Each Night (Yogoto ni au koi), from the series Anthology of Poems_ The Love Section (Kasen koi no bu)_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Manso - Five Facial Types of Beauties_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Miyahito of the Ôgiya, kamuro Tsubaki and Shirabe (Ôgiya uchi Miyahito, Tsubaki, Shirabe)_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Miyahito of the Ôgiya, kamuro Tsubaki and Shirabe (Ôgiya uchi Miyahito, Tsubaki, Shirabe)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Moatside Prostitute (Kashi), from the series Five Shades of Ink in the Licensed Quarter (Hokkoku goshiki-zumi)_JAODB
Kitagawa Utamaro - Moatside Prostitute (Kashi), from the series Five Shades of Ink in the Licensed Quarter (Hokkoku goshiki-zumi)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Moatside Prostitute (Kashi), from the series Five Shades of Ink in the Licensed Quarter (Hokkoku goshiki-zumi)_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Modern Beauty Practicing Jôruri Music (Tôsei jô jôruri)_HAM
Kitagawa Utamaro - Mother and Child_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Mother Nursing Child before Mirror_BM
Kitagawa Utamaro - Mother Nursing Child before Mirror_BM (2)
Kitagawa Utamaro - Mother Nursing Child before Mirror_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Naniwaya Okita_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Naniwaya Okita_LoC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Naniwaya Okita_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Okita of the Naniwa-ya Tea-house_AIC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Okita of the Naniwa-ya Tea-house_MET
Kitagawa Utamaro - Okita of the Naniwa-ya Tea-house_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Somenosuke of the Matsubaya, from the series Supreme Beauties of the Present Day_AIC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Somenosuke of the Matsubaya, from the series Supreme Beauties of the Present Day_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Somenosuke of the Matsubaya, from the series Supreme Beauties of the Present Day_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Takashima Ohisa_OHMI
Kitagawa Utamaro - Takashima Ohisa_AIC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Takashima Ohisa_BM
Kitagawa Utamaro - Takashima Ohisa_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Takigawa, from the series Array of Supreme Beauties of the Present Day (Tôji zensei bijin-zoroe)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - The courtesan Midorigi of Okamatsu-ya_LoC
Kitagawa Utamaro - The Lady Tomimoto Toyohina Reading a Letter_AIC
Kitagawa Utamaro - The Precocious Girl (Ochappii), from the series Variegations of Blooms According to their Speech (Saki-wake kotoba no hana)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - The Precocious Girl (Ochappii), from the series Variegations of Blooms According to their Speech (Saki-wake kotoba no hana)_OHMI
Kitagawa Utamaro - The Precocious Girl (Ochappii), from the series Variegations of Blooms According to their Speech (Saki-wake kotoba no hana)_TNM
Kitagawa Utamaro - Toji zensei bijin-zoroi 當時全盛美人揃 (A Set of the Great Beauties of the Present Day)_BM
Kitagawa Utamaro - Toji zensei bijin-zoroi 當時全盛美人揃 (A Set of the Great Beauties of the Present Day)_TNM
Kitagawa Utamaro - Toji Zensei Bijin-zoroi_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Toji Zensei Bijin-zoroi_BM
Kitagawa Utamaro - Toji Zensei Bijin-zoroi_TNM
Kitagawa Utamaro - Uwaki no so 浮気之相 (The Fickle Type) Fujin sogaku jittai 婦人相学十躰 (Ten Physiognomies of Women)_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Uwaki no so 浮気之相 (The Fickle Type) Fujin sogaku jittai 婦人相学十躰 (Ten Physiognomies of Women)_BM
Kitagawa Utamaro - Uwaki no so 浮気之相 (The Fickle Type) Fujin sogaku jittai 婦人相学十躰 (Ten Physiognomies of Women)_MIA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Uwaki no so 浮気之相 (The Fickle Type) Fujin sogaku jittai 婦人相学十躰 (Ten Physiognomies of Women)_OHMI
Kitagawa Utamaro - Wakatsuru, from the series Array of Supreme Beauties of the Present Day (Tôji zensei bijin-zoroe)_ETM
Kitagawa Utamaro - Wakatsuru, from the series Array of Supreme Beauties of the Present Day (Tôji zensei bijin-zoroe)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Wakatsuru, from the series Array of Supreme Beauties of the Present Day (Tôji zensei bijin-zoroe)_OHMI
Kitagawa Utamaro - Wakaume of the Tamaya in Edo-machi itchôme, kamuro Mumeno and Iroka_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Wakaume of the Tamaya in Edo-machi itchôme, kamuro Mumeno and Iroka_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Woman Counting on Her Fingers, from the series Ten Types in the Physiognomic Study of Women_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Woman Exhaling Smoke from a Pipe, from the series 'Ten Classes of Women’s Physiognomy (Fujo ninsô juppon)'_AIC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Woman Exhaling Smoke from a Pipe, from the series 'Ten Classes of Women’s Physiognomy (Fujo ninsô juppon)'_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Woman Exhaling Smoke from a Pipe, from the series 'Ten Classes of Women’s Physiognomy (Fujo ninsô juppon)'_OHMI
Kitagawa Utamaro - Woman Holding a Pipe, from the series Five Physiognomies of beauties (Bijin go-mensô)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Woman Holding up a Parasol, from the series Ten Classes of Women's Physiognomy (Fujo ninsô juppon)_MET
Kitagawa Utamaro - Woman Holding up a Parasol, from the series Ten Classes of Women's Physiognomy (Fujo ninsô juppon)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Woman Reading a Letter, from the series Ten Classes of Women's Physiogonomy (reprinted later)_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Woman Reading a Letter, from the series Ten Classes of Women's Physiogonomy_AIC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Woman Reading a Letter, from the series Ten Classes of Women's Physiogonomy_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Woman with Pipe, from the series Ten Types in the Physiognomic Study of Women_AIC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Woman with Pipe, from the series Ten Types in the Physiognomic Study of Women_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Yosooi of the Matsubaya, from the series Selections from Six Houses of the Yoshiwara (Seirô rokkasen)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Yosooi of the Matsubaya, from the series Selections from Six Houses of the Yoshiwara (Seirô rokkasen)_MFA (2)
Kitagawa Utamaro - Yosooi of the Matsubaya, from the series Selections from Six Houses of the Yoshiwara (Seirô rokkasen)_AIC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Young Woman Blowing a Glass Pipe (poppin)_LoC

Kitagawa Utamaro - Woman with a Glass Noisemaker (Popen)_MET
Kitagawa Utamaro - Woman with a Glass Noisemaker (Popen)_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Woman with a Glass Noisemaker (Popen)_OHMI
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hairdressing_HAM
Kitagawa Utamaro - Ariwara and Usugôri of the Tsuruya, from the series Courtesans of the Pleasure Quarters in Double Mirrors_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Beauty with Pipe_AIC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Calligraphy Teacher, from the series Twelve Types of Women's Handicraft (Fujin tewaza jûniko)_AOJ
Kitagawa Utamaro - Calligraphy Teacher, from the series Twelve Types of Women's Handicraft (Fujin tewaza jûniko)_JAODB
Kitagawa Utamaro - Calligraphy Teacher, from the series Twelve Types of Women's Handicraft (Fujin tewaza jûniko)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Contest of the favorite courtesans, 'Hanateru of Ogiya'_HAM
Kitagawa Utamaro - Famous Flowers of Beauty from the Pleasure Quarters (Seiro bijin meika awase)_ Tsukioka of the Hyogoya_AIC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Fashion Competition of Beauties of the Three Cities (Sanga no tsu bijin fûzoku kurabe)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - First Month (Mutsuki)- Sugatami of the Tsuruya, kamuro Miyano and Tamiji, from the series Hana shikishi Gosetsu_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Beauties at Play at the Five Festivals (Bijin go sechi no asobi) _ 'Demon-Crushing' Bow (Hamayumi)_JAODB
Kitagawa Utamaro - Beauties at Play at the Five Festivals (Bijin go sechi no asobi) _ 'Demon-Crushing' Bow (Hamayumi)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Geisha and Attendant on a Rainy Night_AIC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Geisha and Attendant on a Rainy Night_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Gion Bean Curd, from the series Twelve Types of Women's Handicraft (Fujin tewaza jûni-kô_AIC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Gion Bean Curd, from the series Twelve Types of Women's Handicraft (Fujin tewaza jûni-kô_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hanazuma and Tsukioka of the Hyôgoya, from the series Courtesans of the Pleasure Quarters in Double Mirrors_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hairdresser, from the series Twelve Types of Women's Handicraft (Dujin tewaza jûniko)_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hairdresser, from the series Twelve Types of Women's Handicraft (Dujin tewaza jûniko)_LoC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hairdresser, from the series Twelve Types of Women's Handicraft (Dujin tewaza jûniko)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hanazuma and Tsukioka of the Hyôgoya, from the series Courtesans of the Pleasure Quarters in Double Mirrors_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hinazuru and Hinamatsu of the Chôjiya, from the series Courtesans of the Pleasure Quarters in Double Mirrors_LoC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hinazuru and Hinamatsu of the Chôjiya, from the series Courtesans of the Pleasure Quarters in Double Mirrors_MFA

Kitagawa Utamaro - Hitomoto and Motoe of the Daimonjiya, from the series Courtesans of the Pleasure Quarters in Double Mirrors_MFA - copia
Kitagawa Utamaro - Komurasaki and Hanamurasaki of the Tamaya, from the series Courtesans of the Pleasure Quarters in Double Mirrors_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Messenger with a Letter, from the series Elegant Five-Needled Pine (Fûryû goyô no matsu)_AIC

Kitagawa Utamaro - Messenger with a Letter, from the series Elegant Five-Needled Pine (Fûryû goyô no matsu)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Mosquito Net, from the series Model Young Women Woven in Mist (Kasumi-ori musume hinagata)_AIC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Mosquito Net, from the series Model Young Women Woven in Mist (Kasumi-ori musume hinagata)_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Mosquito Net, from the series Model Young Women Woven in Mist (Kasumi-ori musume hinagata)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Mother Carrying Child on Her Back, from the series Scenery of Famous Places and Twelve Physiognomies of Beauties_HAM
Kitagawa Utamaro - Mother Carrying Child on Her Back, from the series Scenery of Famous Places and Twelve Physiognomies of Beauties_HAM
Kitagawa Utamaro - Nakagawa of the Naka-Manjiya, kamuro Iwachi and Iwano_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - odeura of the Tamaya, kamuro Kozue and Mumeno_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Okita and Ofuji_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Osen of the Kagiya Giving a Scroll to Takashima Ohisa_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Reed Blind, from the series Model Young Women Woven in the Mist (Kasumi-ori musume hinagata)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Seiro niwaka onna geisha no bu _ Asazumabune Ogiuri Uta_AIC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Shinowara of the Tsuruya, kamuro Wakaba and Chieda, from an untitled series of courtesans_JAODB
Kitagawa Utamaro - Shinowara of the Tsuruya, kamuro Wakaba and Chieda, from an untitled series of courtesans_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Tea-Whisk Seller, Fire Wood Seller, Shrine Festival Performer_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - The Courtesans Hanaogi and Takigawa of the Ogiya House_MIA
Kitagawa Utamaro - The Courtesans Watarai and Shigenoi from the Mara Ebiya_HAM
Kitagawa Utamaro - The Geisha Ogie Matsuzô, Mine, and Ito_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - The Habit of Criticizing Others (Ta o soshiru kuse), from the series Seven Bad Habits (Nakute nana kuse)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - The Innocent and the Bawd (Oboko, sukebei), from the series Variegations of Bloooms According to their Speech_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Three Beauties of the Present Day (Tôji san bijin)_ Tomimoto Toyohina, Naniwaya Kita, Takashima Hisa_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Three Beauties of the Present Day (Tôji san bijin)_ Tomimoto Toyohina, Naniwaya Kita, Takashima Hisa_MET
Kitagawa Utamaro - Three Beauties of the Present Day (Tôji san bijin)_ Tomimoto Toyohina, Naniwaya Kita, Takashima Hisa_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Three Beauties of the Yoshiwara (Seirô san bijin)_AIC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Three Beauties of the Yoshiwara (Seirô san bijin)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Dream of the Kamuro, from the series Profitable Visions in Daydreams of Glory (Miru-ga-toku eiga no issui)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Three Beauties_ Okita, Ohisa, and Toyohina_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Three Beautiful Mistresses (Kakoi san bijin)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Two beauties under the same umbrella_AOJ

Kitagawa Utamaro - Two Beauties_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Two Beauties_HAM
Kitagawa Utamaro - Two Beauties_HAM
Kitagawa Utamaro - Two Beauties_LoC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Two Courtesans with Teacup_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Two Women Conversing_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Two Women with a Flowering Branch_AOJ
Kitagawa Utamaro - Two Women with a Flowering Branch_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Two Women_MET
Kitagawa Utamaro - Two Women Head_HAM
Kitagawa Utamaro - Types of Women's Handicraft_ Cloth-Stretcher (Fujin tewaza junik-ko_ shinshi-bari)_FAMSF
Kitagawa Utamaro - Unknown, Double Bust Portrait_JAODB
Kitagawa Utamaro - Wakaura and Wakana of the Wakanaya, from the series Courtesans of the Pleasure Quarters in Double Mirrors_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Wakaura of Wakanaya from the series An Appraisal of Courtesans and Geisha (Keisei geisha shinasdame)_FAMSF
Kitagawa Utamaro - Women after the Bath, from the series Elegant Five-Needled Pine (Fûryû goyô no matsu)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Women Holding a Pipe and a Round Fan_BM
Kitagawa Utamaro - Women Holding a Pipe and a Round Fan_mfa
Kitagawa Utamaro - Women with Hand Drum_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Women, Baby, and Owl on Perch_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Yosooi and Yoyotoshi of the Matsubaya_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - A Courtesan Beautiful as a Flower and a Bride from a Teahouse, from the series Matching Flowers and Comparing Makeup_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Yûgiri and Izaemon, from the series Manipulations of Love with Musical Accompaniment_AIC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Yûgiri and Izaemon, from the series Manipulations of Love with Musical Accompaniment_MIA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Five Amorous Festivals of Love (Aibore iro no go sekku)_ The Ninth Month_AIC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Five Amorous Festivals of Love (Aibore iro no go sekku)_ The Ninth Month_LoC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Types of Women's Handicraft_ Cloth-Stretcher (Fujin tewaza junik-ko_ shinshi-bari)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Types of Women's Handicraft_ Cloth-Stretcher (Fujin tewaza junik-ko_ shinshi-bari)_BM
Kitagawa Utamaro - Dream of the Young Woman, from the series Profitable Visions in Daydreams of Glory (Miru-ga-toku eiga no issui)_MFA

Kitagawa Utamaro - Yaoya Oshichi and Koshô Kichisaburô, from the series True Feelings Compared_ The Founts of Love_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Beauty and Boatman_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Couple with a Standing Screen_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Couple with a Standing Screen_MFA (2)
Kitagawa Utamaro - Courtesan and Komusô_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Courtesan and Samurai_JAODB
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hanbei the Grocer and His Wife Ochiyo, from the series True Feelings Compared_ The Founts of Love_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Insect Seller_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Kajiwara Genta and the Courtesan Umegae, from the series True Feelings Compared_ The Founts of Love_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Kajiwara Genta and the Courtesan Umegae, from the series True Feelings Compared_ The Founts of Love_MFA (2)
Kitagawa Utamaro - Kamiya Jihei and Kinokuniya Koharu, from the series True Feelings Compared_ The Founts of Love _MET
Kitagawa Utamaro - Kamiya Jihei and Kinokuniya Koharu, from the series True Feelings Compared_ The Founts of Love _MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Middle Captain Yukihira and the Salt Maiden Matsukaze, from the series True Feelings Compared_ The Founts of Love_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Middle Captain Yukihira and the Salt Maiden Matsukaze, from the series True Feelings Compared_ The Founts of Love_TNM
Kitagawa Utamaro - Ohan and Choemon, from the series Fashonable Patterns in Utamaro Style (Ryuko moyo Utamaro-gata) (Ohan, Choemon)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Onatsu and Seijûrô, from the series True Feelings Compared_ The Founts of Love_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Onitsutaya Azamino and Gontarô, a Man of the World, from the series True Feelings Compared_ The Founts of Love_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - A Test of Skill - the Headwaters of Amorousness (Jitsu kurabe iro no minakami)_ Osan and Mohei_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Osome of the Oil Shop and Apprentice Hisamatsu, from the series True Feelings Compared_ The Founts of Love_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Oume and Kumenosuke, from the series True Feelings Compared_ The Founts of Love_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Tsuruya Onoe, Naraya Idahachi, and the Mistress of the Teahouse_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - The Syllables Chi through Ka_ Young Man and Woman, from an untitled Iroha series_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Yaoya Oshichi and Koshô Kichisaburô, from the series True Feelings Compared_ The Founts of Love_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Yûgiri of the Ôgiya and Fujiya Izaemon, from the series True Feelings Compared_ The Founts of Love_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Happy Togetherness for Umegawa and Chûbei, from the series Eight Pledges at Lovers' Meetings_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Happy Togetherness for Umegawa and Chûbei, from the series Eight Pledges at Lovers' Meetings_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Happy Togetherness for Umegawa and Chûbei, from the series Eight Pledges at Lovers' Meetings_MFA (2)
Kitagawa Utamaro - Combing the Hair, from the series Ten Types in the Physiognomic Study of Women_ARTELINO (2)
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hanamurasaki of the Tamaya, kamuro Sekiya and Teriha, from the series Array of Supreme Beauties of the Present Day_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hanamurasaki of the Tamaya, kamuro Sekiya and Teriha, from the series Array of Supreme Beauties of the Present Day_TNM
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hanaôgi of the Gomeirô (Gomeirô Hanaôgi), from the series Comparing the Charms of Beauties (Bijin kiryô kurabe)_MET
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hanaôgi of the Gomeirô (Gomeirô Hanaôgi), from the series Comparing the Charms of Beauties (Bijin kiryô kurabe)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hanaôgi of the Ôgiya, kamuro Yoshino and Tatsuta (Ôgiya uchi Hanaôgi, Yoshino, Tatsuta)_MET
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hanaôgi of the Ôgiya, kamuro Yoshino and Tatsuta (Ôgiya uchi Hanaôgi, Yoshino, Tatsuta)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hanaôgi of the Ôgiya, kamuro Yoshino and Tatsuta (Ôgiya uchi Hanaôgi, Yoshino, Tatsuta)_MET
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hanaôgi of the Ôgiya, kamuro Yoshino and Tatsuta (Ôgiya uchi Hanaôgi, Yoshino, Tatsuta)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hinazuru of the Keizetsuro, from the series 'Comparing the Charms of Beauties (Bijin kiryo kurabe)'_AIC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hinazuru of the Keizetsuro, from the series 'Comparing the Charms of Beauties (Bijin kiryo kurabe)'_BM
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hinazuru of the Keizetsuro, from the series 'Comparing the Charms of Beauties (Bijin kiryo kurabe)'_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hitomoto of the Daimonjiya, from the series Selections from Six Houses of the Yoshiwara (Seirô rokkasen)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hitomoto of the Daimonjiya, from the series Selections from Six Houses of the Yoshiwara (Seirô rokkasen)_MIA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Kitagawa Utamaro - Hinazuru of the Chojiya, from the series Array of Supreme Beauties of the Present Day_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Love for a Street-walker (Tsuji-gimi ni yosuru koi)_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Love for a Street-walker (Tsuji-gimi ni yosuru koi)_ARTELINO (2)
Kitagawa Utamaro - Love for a Street-walker (Tsuji-gimi ni yosuru koi)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Love that Meets Each Night (Yogoto ni au koi), from the series Anthology of Poems_ The Love Section (Kasen koi no bu)_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Love that Meets Each Night (Yogoto ni au koi), from the series Anthology of Poems_ The Love Section (Kasen koi no bu)_BM
Kitagawa Utamaro - Love that Meets Each Night (Yogoto ni au koi), from the series Anthology of Poems_ The Love Section (Kasen koi no bu)_LoC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Love that Meets Each Night (Yogoto ni au koi), from the series Anthology of Poems_ The Love Section (Kasen koi no bu)_MET
Kitagawa Utamaro - Love that Meets Each Night (Yogoto ni au koi), from the series Anthology of Poems_ The Love Section (Kasen koi no bu)_MFA
.Kitagawa Utamaro - Manso - Five Facial Types of Beauties_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Miyahito of the Ôgiya, kamuro Tsubaki and Shirabe (Ôgiya uchi Miyahito, Tsubaki, Shirabe)_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Miyahito of the Ôgiya, kamuro Tsubaki and Shirabe (Ôgiya uchi Miyahito, Tsubaki, Shirabe)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Moatside Prostitute (Kashi), from the series Five Shades of Ink in the Licensed Quarter (Hokkoku goshiki-zumi)_JAODB
Kitagawa Utamaro - Moatside Prostitute (Kashi), from the series Five Shades of Ink in the Licensed Quarter (Hokkoku goshiki-zumi)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Moatside Prostitute (Kashi), from the series Five Shades of Ink in the Licensed Quarter (Hokkoku goshiki-zumi)_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Modern Beauty Practicing Jôruri Music (Tôsei jô jôruri)_HAM
Kitagawa Utamaro - Mother and Child_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Mother Nursing Child before Mirror_BM
Kitagawa Utamaro - Mother Nursing Child before Mirror_BM (2)
Kitagawa Utamaro - Mother Nursing Child before Mirror_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Naniwaya Okita_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Naniwaya Okita_LoC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Naniwaya Okita_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Okita of the Naniwa-ya Tea-house_AIC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Okita of the Naniwa-ya Tea-house_MET
Kitagawa Utamaro - Okita of the Naniwa-ya Tea-house_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Somenosuke of the Matsubaya, from the series Supreme Beauties of the Present Day_AIC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Somenosuke of the Matsubaya, from the series Supreme Beauties of the Present Day_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Somenosuke of the Matsubaya, from the series Supreme Beauties of the Present Day_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Takashima Ohisa_OHMI
Kitagawa Utamaro - Takashima Ohisa_AIC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Takashima Ohisa_BM
Kitagawa Utamaro - Takashima Ohisa_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Takigawa, from the series Array of Supreme Beauties of the Present Day (Tôji zensei bijin-zoroe)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - The courtesan Midorigi of Okamatsu-ya_LoC
Kitagawa Utamaro - The Lady Tomimoto Toyohina Reading a Letter_AIC
Kitagawa Utamaro - The Precocious Girl (Ochappii), from the series Variegations of Blooms According to their Speech (Saki-wake kotoba no hana)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - The Precocious Girl (Ochappii), from the series Variegations of Blooms According to their Speech (Saki-wake kotoba no hana)_OHMI
Kitagawa Utamaro - The Precocious Girl (Ochappii), from the series Variegations of Blooms According to their Speech (Saki-wake kotoba no hana)_TNM
Kitagawa Utamaro - Toji zensei bijin-zoroi 當時全盛美人揃 (A Set of the Great Beauties of the Present Day)_BM
Kitagawa Utamaro - Toji zensei bijin-zoroi 當時全盛美人揃 (A Set of the Great Beauties of the Present Day)_TNM
Kitagawa Utamaro - Toji Zensei Bijin-zoroi_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Toji Zensei Bijin-zoroi_BM
Kitagawa Utamaro - Toji Zensei Bijin-zoroi_TNM
Kitagawa Utamaro - Uwaki no so 浮気之相 (The Fickle Type) Fujin sogaku jittai 婦人相学十躰 (Ten Physiognomies of Women)_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Uwaki no so 浮気之相 (The Fickle Type) Fujin sogaku jittai 婦人相学十躰 (Ten Physiognomies of Women)_BM
Kitagawa Utamaro - Uwaki no so 浮気之相 (The Fickle Type) Fujin sogaku jittai 婦人相学十躰 (Ten Physiognomies of Women)_MIA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Uwaki no so 浮気之相 (The Fickle Type) Fujin sogaku jittai 婦人相学十躰 (Ten Physiognomies of Women)_OHMI
Kitagawa Utamaro - Wakatsuru, from the series Array of Supreme Beauties of the Present Day (Tôji zensei bijin-zoroe)_ETM
Kitagawa Utamaro - Wakatsuru, from the series Array of Supreme Beauties of the Present Day (Tôji zensei bijin-zoroe)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Wakatsuru, from the series Array of Supreme Beauties of the Present Day (Tôji zensei bijin-zoroe)_OHMI
Kitagawa Utamaro - Wakaume of the Tamaya in Edo-machi itchôme, kamuro Mumeno and Iroka_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Wakaume of the Tamaya in Edo-machi itchôme, kamuro Mumeno and Iroka_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Woman Counting on Her Fingers, from the series Ten Types in the Physiognomic Study of Women_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Woman Exhaling Smoke from a Pipe, from the series 'Ten Classes of Women’s Physiognomy (Fujo ninsô juppon)'_AIC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Woman Exhaling Smoke from a Pipe, from the series 'Ten Classes of Women’s Physiognomy (Fujo ninsô juppon)'_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Woman Exhaling Smoke from a Pipe, from the series 'Ten Classes of Women’s Physiognomy (Fujo ninsô juppon)'_OHMI
Kitagawa Utamaro - Woman Holding a Pipe, from the series Five Physiognomies of beauties (Bijin go-mensô)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Woman Holding up a Parasol, from the series Ten Classes of Women's Physiognomy (Fujo ninsô juppon)_MET
Kitagawa Utamaro - Woman Holding up a Parasol, from the series Ten Classes of Women's Physiognomy (Fujo ninsô juppon)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Woman Reading a Letter, from the series Ten Classes of Women's Physiogonomy (reprinted later)_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Woman Reading a Letter, from the series Ten Classes of Women's Physiogonomy_AIC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Woman Reading a Letter, from the series Ten Classes of Women's Physiogonomy_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Woman with Pipe, from the series Ten Types in the Physiognomic Study of Women_AIC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Woman with Pipe, from the series Ten Types in the Physiognomic Study of Women_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Yosooi of the Matsubaya, from the series Selections from Six Houses of the Yoshiwara (Seirô rokkasen)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Yosooi of the Matsubaya, from the series Selections from Six Houses of the Yoshiwara (Seirô rokkasen)_MFA (2)
Kitagawa Utamaro - Yosooi of the Matsubaya, from the series Selections from Six Houses of the Yoshiwara (Seirô rokkasen)_AIC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Young Woman Blowing a Glass Pipe (poppin)_LoC

Kitagawa Utamaro - Woman with a Glass Noisemaker (Popen)_MET
Kitagawa Utamaro - Woman with a Glass Noisemaker (Popen)_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Woman with a Glass Noisemaker (Popen)_OHMI
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hairdressing_HAM
Kitagawa Utamaro - Ariwara and Usugôri of the Tsuruya, from the series Courtesans of the Pleasure Quarters in Double Mirrors_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Beauty with Pipe_AIC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Calligraphy Teacher, from the series Twelve Types of Women's Handicraft (Fujin tewaza jûniko)_AOJ
Kitagawa Utamaro - Calligraphy Teacher, from the series Twelve Types of Women's Handicraft (Fujin tewaza jûniko)_JAODB
Kitagawa Utamaro - Calligraphy Teacher, from the series Twelve Types of Women's Handicraft (Fujin tewaza jûniko)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Contest of the favorite courtesans, 'Hanateru of Ogiya'_HAM
Kitagawa Utamaro - Famous Flowers of Beauty from the Pleasure Quarters (Seiro bijin meika awase)_ Tsukioka of the Hyogoya_AIC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Fashion Competition of Beauties of the Three Cities (Sanga no tsu bijin fûzoku kurabe)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - First Month (Mutsuki)- Sugatami of the Tsuruya, kamuro Miyano and Tamiji, from the series Hana shikishi Gosetsu_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Beauties at Play at the Five Festivals (Bijin go sechi no asobi) _ 'Demon-Crushing' Bow (Hamayumi)_JAODB
Kitagawa Utamaro - Beauties at Play at the Five Festivals (Bijin go sechi no asobi) _ 'Demon-Crushing' Bow (Hamayumi)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Geisha and Attendant on a Rainy Night_AIC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Geisha and Attendant on a Rainy Night_MET
.Kitagawa Utamaro - Geisha and Attendant on a Rainy Night_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Gion Bean Curd, from the series Twelve Types of Women's Handicraft (Fujin tewaza jûni-kô_AIC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Gion Bean Curd, from the series Twelve Types of Women's Handicraft (Fujin tewaza jûni-kô_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hanazuma and Tsukioka of the Hyôgoya, from the series Courtesans of the Pleasure Quarters in Double Mirrors_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hairdresser, from the series Twelve Types of Women's Handicraft (Dujin tewaza jûniko)_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hairdresser, from the series Twelve Types of Women's Handicraft (Dujin tewaza jûniko)_LoC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hairdresser, from the series Twelve Types of Women's Handicraft (Dujin tewaza jûniko)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hanazuma and Tsukioka of the Hyôgoya, from the series Courtesans of the Pleasure Quarters in Double Mirrors_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hinazuru and Hinamatsu of the Chôjiya, from the series Courtesans of the Pleasure Quarters in Double Mirrors_LoC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hinazuru and Hinamatsu of the Chôjiya, from the series Courtesans of the Pleasure Quarters in Double Mirrors_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hiratsuka, from the series Fifty-three Stations in the Life of a Beauty (Bijin ichidai gojûsan tsugi)_MFA

Kitagawa Utamaro - Hitomoto and Motoe of the Daimonjiya, from the series Courtesans of the Pleasure Quarters in Double Mirrors_MFA - copia
Kitagawa Utamaro - Komurasaki and Hanamurasaki of the Tamaya, from the series Courtesans of the Pleasure Quarters in Double Mirrors_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Messenger with a Letter, from the series Elegant Five-Needled Pine (Fûryû goyô no matsu)_AIC

Kitagawa Utamaro - Messenger with a Letter, from the series Elegant Five-Needled Pine (Fûryû goyô no matsu)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Mosquito Net, from the series Model Young Women Woven in Mist (Kasumi-ori musume hinagata)_AIC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Mosquito Net, from the series Model Young Women Woven in Mist (Kasumi-ori musume hinagata)_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Mosquito Net, from the series Model Young Women Woven in Mist (Kasumi-ori musume hinagata)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Mother Carrying Child on Her Back, from the series Scenery of Famous Places and Twelve Physiognomies of Beauties_HAM
Kitagawa Utamaro - Mother Carrying Child on Her Back, from the series Scenery of Famous Places and Twelve Physiognomies of Beauties_HAM
Kitagawa Utamaro - Nakagawa of the Naka-Manjiya, kamuro Iwachi and Iwano_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - odeura of the Tamaya, kamuro Kozue and Mumeno_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Okita and Ofuji_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Osen of the Kagiya Giving a Scroll to Takashima Ohisa_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Reed Blind, from the series Model Young Women Woven in the Mist (Kasumi-ori musume hinagata)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Seiro niwaka onna geisha no bu _ Asazumabune Ogiuri Uta_AIC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Shinowara of the Tsuruya, kamuro Wakaba and Chieda, from an untitled series of courtesans_JAODB
Kitagawa Utamaro - Shinowara of the Tsuruya, kamuro Wakaba and Chieda, from an untitled series of courtesans_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Takegayawa of Ogiya from the series Dolls Dressed in Many -layered Robes [Itsueginu hina no kasanegi]_FAMSF
.Kitagawa Utamaro - Tea-Whisk Seller, Fire Wood Seller, Shrine Festival Performer_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - The Courtesans Hanaogi and Takigawa of the Ogiya House_MIA
Kitagawa Utamaro - The Courtesans Watarai and Shigenoi from the Mara Ebiya_HAM
Kitagawa Utamaro - The Geisha Ogie Matsuzô, Mine, and Ito_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - The Habit of Criticizing Others (Ta o soshiru kuse), from the series Seven Bad Habits (Nakute nana kuse)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - The Innocent and the Bawd (Oboko, sukebei), from the series Variegations of Bloooms According to their Speech_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Three Beauties of the Present Day (Tôji san bijin)_ Tomimoto Toyohina, Naniwaya Kita, Takashima Hisa_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Three Beauties of the Present Day (Tôji san bijin)_ Tomimoto Toyohina, Naniwaya Kita, Takashima Hisa_MET
Kitagawa Utamaro - Three Beauties of the Present Day (Tôji san bijin)_ Tomimoto Toyohina, Naniwaya Kita, Takashima Hisa_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Three Beauties of the Yoshiwara (Seirô san bijin)_AIC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Three Beauties of the Yoshiwara (Seirô san bijin)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Dream of the Kamuro, from the series Profitable Visions in Daydreams of Glory (Miru-ga-toku eiga no issui)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Three Beauties_ Okita, Ohisa, and Toyohina_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Three Beautiful Mistresses (Kakoi san bijin)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Two beauties under the same umbrella_AOJ

Kitagawa Utamaro - Two Beauties_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Two Beauties_HAM
Kitagawa Utamaro - Two Beauties_HAM
Kitagawa Utamaro - Two Beauties_LoC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Two Courtesans with Teacup_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Two Women Conversing_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Two Women with a Flowering Branch_AOJ
Kitagawa Utamaro - Two Women with a Flowering Branch_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Two Women_MET
Kitagawa Utamaro - Two Women Head_HAM
Kitagawa Utamaro - Types of Women's Handicraft_ Cloth-Stretcher (Fujin tewaza junik-ko_ shinshi-bari)_FAMSF
Kitagawa Utamaro - Unknown, Double Bust Portrait_JAODB
Kitagawa Utamaro - Wakaura and Wakana of the Wakanaya, from the series Courtesans of the Pleasure Quarters in Double Mirrors_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Wakaura of Wakanaya from the series An Appraisal of Courtesans and Geisha (Keisei geisha shinasdame)_FAMSF
Kitagawa Utamaro - Women after the Bath, from the series Elegant Five-Needled Pine (Fûryû goyô no matsu)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Women Holding a Pipe and a Round Fan_BM
Kitagawa Utamaro - Women Holding a Pipe and a Round Fan_mfa
Kitagawa Utamaro - Women with Hand Drum_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Women, Baby, and Owl on Perch_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Yosooi and Yoyotoshi of the Matsubaya_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - A Courtesan Beautiful as a Flower and a Bride from a Teahouse, from the series Matching Flowers and Comparing Makeup_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Yûgiri and Izaemon, from the series Manipulations of Love with Musical Accompaniment_AIC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Yûgiri and Izaemon, from the series Manipulations of Love with Musical Accompaniment_MIA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Five Amorous Festivals of Love (Aibore iro no go sekku)_ The Ninth Month_AIC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Five Amorous Festivals of Love (Aibore iro no go sekku)_ The Ninth Month_LoC
Kitagawa Utamaro - Types of Women's Handicraft_ Cloth-Stretcher (Fujin tewaza junik-ko_ shinshi-bari)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Types of Women's Handicraft_ Cloth-Stretcher (Fujin tewaza junik-ko_ shinshi-bari)_BM
Kitagawa Utamaro - Dream of the Young Woman, from the series Profitable Visions in Daydreams of Glory (Miru-ga-toku eiga no issui)_MFA

Kitagawa Utamaro - Yaoya Oshichi and Koshô Kichisaburô, from the series True Feelings Compared_ The Founts of Love_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Beauty and Boatman_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Couple with a Standing Screen_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Couple with a Standing Screen_MFA (2)
Kitagawa Utamaro - Courtesan and Komusô_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Courtesan and Samurai_JAODB
Kitagawa Utamaro - Hanbei the Grocer and His Wife Ochiyo, from the series True Feelings Compared_ The Founts of Love_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Insect Seller_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Kajiwara Genta and the Courtesan Umegae, from the series True Feelings Compared_ The Founts of Love_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Kajiwara Genta and the Courtesan Umegae, from the series True Feelings Compared_ The Founts of Love_MFA (2)
Kitagawa Utamaro - Kamiya Jihei and Kinokuniya Koharu, from the series True Feelings Compared_ The Founts of Love _MET
Kitagawa Utamaro - Kamiya Jihei and Kinokuniya Koharu, from the series True Feelings Compared_ The Founts of Love _MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Middle Captain Yukihira and the Salt Maiden Matsukaze, from the series True Feelings Compared_ The Founts of Love_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Middle Captain Yukihira and the Salt Maiden Matsukaze, from the series True Feelings Compared_ The Founts of Love_TNM
Kitagawa Utamaro - Ohan and Choemon, from the series Fashonable Patterns in Utamaro Style (Ryuko moyo Utamaro-gata) (Ohan, Choemon)_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Onatsu and Seijûrô, from the series True Feelings Compared_ The Founts of Love_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Onitsutaya Azamino and Gontarô, a Man of the World, from the series True Feelings Compared_ The Founts of Love_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - A Test of Skill - the Headwaters of Amorousness (Jitsu kurabe iro no minakami)_ Osan and Mohei_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Osome of the Oil Shop and Apprentice Hisamatsu, from the series True Feelings Compared_ The Founts of Love_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Oume and Kumenosuke, from the series True Feelings Compared_ The Founts of Love_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Tsuruya Onoe, Naraya Idahachi, and the Mistress of the Teahouse_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - The Syllables Chi through Ka_ Young Man and Woman, from an untitled Iroha series_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Yaoya Oshichi and Koshô Kichisaburô, from the series True Feelings Compared_ The Founts of Love_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Yûgiri of the Ôgiya and Fujiya Izaemon, from the series True Feelings Compared_ The Founts of Love_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Happy Togetherness for Umegawa and Chûbei, from the series Eight Pledges at Lovers' Meetings_ARTELINO
Kitagawa Utamaro - Happy Togetherness for Umegawa and Chûbei, from the series Eight Pledges at Lovers' Meetings_MFA
Kitagawa Utamaro - Happy Togetherness for Umegawa and Chûbei, from the series Eight Pledges at Lovers' Meetings_MFA (2)